Chapter One

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Celaena Sardothien hated packing. So she forced her boyfriend to do it all. Rowan, surprisingly, didn't complain at all. On Monday, Dorian had asked if they'd wanted to join him - on a road trip, apparently. She'd said yes before Rowan even knew about it, much to his annoyance.


Start: Rifthold, Adarlan

Destination: Orynth, Terrasen


She'd also called shotgun three days prior to the journey. Of course there'd been a fight over that - but Rowan had eventually given in - only to begin bickering with Chaol the moment they'd left the house about who was to drive. But Chaol won that. Somehow. Dorian was shoved into the back instantaneously, but frankly, he was fine with that.


Driving: Chaol

Passenger Seat: Celaena

Behind Driver: Dorian

Behind Passenger: Rowan


Combined, Celaena and Dorian had brought over twenty books, and Dorian seemed to have created a small fort with the novels in his seat. Rowan had forgotten to bring earphones, so to everyone's utter dismay, they were forced to listen to Celaena belting out the lyrics to all sorts of hardcore rap songs on Spotify. It was a blessing to the everyone's ears when her phone battery ran out.


Celaena's Playlist:

Dorian's Playlist:
e m o

Rowan's Playlist:
*doesn't even have phone*

Chaol's Playlist:
*phone version too old to download music*


'Are we there yet?'

'For the love of- Celaena, we set off ten minutes ago!'

'Just asking.' She fiddled with the lever under her seat.

Rowan gave a small snarl as she leaned the chair so far back that the headrest pinned his knees down. 'Get off!'

Celaena grinned, yanking the lever upwards, and the chair shot up.

Dorian leaned forward. 'Bro, plug this in for me.'

Chaol batted away the iPod with an elbow. 'No.'

Dorian huffed, the pouty expression making him look extremely cute. But then he drew out his phone, and was doing something suspiciously like turning on Bluetooth.

'Oh, no,' Celaena said, clamping her palms over her ears just as music blared within the car, rebounding off the closed windows.

'Turn the damn volume down!' Chaol roared.

Honestly, Chaol could sometimes be scarier than Rowan sometimes.

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