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Finally the most awaited day came

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Finally the most awaited day came. Kings from different corners of Aryavrata had arrived to win Draupadi.
The contest was to uplift a huge bow and tie the string and shoot the aim.
A stage was set in the middle of hall.

The sainiks greeted," welcome all the king's and prince of immeasurable energy and power to the Swayamvar of Panchal's princess, Drupad's daughter Draupadi."

Maharaj arrived and announced to start the contest. All the king's were of great power. But no one was even able to uplift the bow. That bow was specially designed for her Swayamvar. On the first 15 days no one was even able to uplift the bow. Days went on....but no one could even complete one of the rounds. The contest was of 16 days.

On the 16 day.....Almost all the king's have participated and failed except the Rajkumar of Hastinapur and Sishupala, Shalaya and some other kings..and Brahmans who hadn't participated till then.

Like the rest 15 days Dhrishtadhyumna came and announced the the rules," Honorable princes, you can see a fish hanging from a revolving wheel fixed at the top of a pole. The reflection of the fish is seen in a wide pan full of oil, placed at the bottom of the pole. The competitor, who hits the eye of the fish while looking at the reflection, shall win the hand of my sister Draupadi."

Draupadi arrived on the last day of Swayamvar. She came on a palanquin, the palanquin was on a elephant. The elephant sat, and the Dasis went near the palanquin. They opened the curtains and and the beautiful princess of Panchal came out.

Indeed, after those princes of immeasurable energy had looked at Draupadi, the God of Desire invaded their hearts and continued to crush all their senses. As the lavishing beauty of Panchali who had been modelled by the Creator himself, was superior to that of all other women on earth, it could captivate the heart of every creature. The lust of Duryodhan increased arithmetically after seeing Draupadi. She was even more beautiful than what he heard. Angraj Karna who was seating beside Duryodhan even lost his senses, when he saw the lotus eyed Panchali. The blue lotuse fragrance of her could be felt from yojanas away. She was wearing a beautiful, gold embroidered red dress. Her hairs were gracefully braided and golden beads were tied in her hairs. White lily and red roses were tied on her hair. She was wearing very heavy jewelleries, which were making her uncomfortable under the blazing sun.

She walked the wramp and reached near the stage

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She walked the wramp and reached near the stage. She moved towards the sabha and bowed before everyone. And then walked upstairs where her father, Govind and her Bhratashree were sitting.
The eyes of every single prince and brahman present over there was fixed on Nitayuvani. She bowed to her father,guru Drona , Govind and her brother and then sat on her place. A huge drum was beated to announce the start of Swayamvar. One by one all the king's came but failed. Disappointed kings were going back to their place, handling their hurted egos. Great warriors like Shishpal, Shalya, Dushashan too failed.

Duryodhan was smiling and was staring at Draupadi. Draupadi was constantly ignoring him. Her eyes were waiting to see Rajkumar Arjuna.

And then came the great Angraj Karna. The king of Ang Pradesh, a man with fair complexion, broad shoulders, large leonine blue eyes, his face had a glow like that of a sun.

Angraj came to stage and bowed before the bow

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Angraj came to stage and bowed before the bow. Then two Dasis came near Draupadi and whispered something to her.

Angraj was about to uplift the bow, but he was stopped by a sweet yet thundering voice. The voice was of Rajkumari. "Stop Angraj" Draupadi ordered. All the king's whose eyes were on the bow which karna was support to uplift shifted towards Draupdi. Angraj too saw her with a confused expression. Why did she stopped him???


"There is only one caste..the caste of...HUMANITY♥️
There is only one religion..the religion of...LOVE♥️
There is only one language..the language of...HEART.♥️"

Draupadi who was the friend of Govind, who was a gwala. Draupadi who never had a childhood knows the pain of not having it. Draupadi the boon of Mahadev and Mahakaali along with 5 other Goddesses. How could she call Karna a Sutaputra??? Did she deny to marry him on the basis of his caste?? To know wait for the next chapter..
Note- KRISHNA KI KRISHNAA is a work of fiction. I may or may not follow the ORIGINAL SCRIPTURES.

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