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It was two years later that it happened. They were being blessed with that one rehmat that their hearts desired. They were going to be parents.

These last two years have been nothing but happiness and joy and love. Furqaan made good on all his promises.

He loved her unconditionally. Respected her insurmountably. Treated her like an equal but also let her enjoy her carefree days that were so cruelly snatched away from her.

He wanted to compensate for all the love that she lost, first in the form of her family; her parents and brother and then in the form of their baby girl. He'd give her all their love along with his own.

He took her to different countries every few months. Two years and they were still in their honeymoon phase. They still behaved like newly weds.

Well, Furqaan did. He left no moment to declare his undying love for her. Not always vocally but with small gestures. His eyes would always search for her even in a crowded room. If she was close by, he craved for physical contact, even if it is to just hold her dupatta. Aamaal would always blush not being able to face the teasing looks of her bhabhis.

Azaan teased him by making clucking noises indicating he's hen pecked. Joru ka Ghulaam is what they call him. He didn't mind it one bit. His ignorance and inability to follow his heart has cost him his first child. He will forever try to make up for that mistake.

Furqaan walked in his room after five days. He desperately wanted to lay eyes on his sweetheart, his beloved wife. He was out of state for a site inspection.

Aamaal was feeling a bit under the weather since yesterday. He had felt it on the telephone call hundreds of miles away, so intune was he to her. He had dumped the legal formalities on his assistant and caught the first flight home.

His wife lay on the bed, the room downed in darkness. She was weeping and that sight didn't sit well with him. He did everything in his power to keep her happy. He'd kill the person who caused her even an ounce of distress.

"Aamaal, baby what's wrong? Did anyone say something to you? Something happened at University? Who's it? Tell me; that bastard will not live to see another day!" He was seething now when she full on bawled her eyes out.

He held her in his arms, and she coiled up into his warmth even more. She was craving for him. His presence, his scent, his touch.

Aamaal was suddenly too emotional to clear the misunderstandings he had conjured up. But something had to give or her husband would go on a killing spree, quite literally. He's crazy like that where it concerns her.

"Nobody did anything. As a matter of fact, you did" she complained like a child.
"Me? I'm sorry sweetheart, but this was an important inspection. It's the construction of the Raazdaani Heritage Trust Orphanage. I couldn't just let anyone else handle it. But I came back as soon as I could" he rubbed her arms and back. He could never get enough of her.

"I know. And thank you for what you're doing for my family. Baba would have loved the project."
She looked up at him like he was her superhero. He loved that look of pure adoration on her face. He lived to make sure that never changes.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Nothing. I would bring down the moon for you but right now I need to know what had you crying? I can't bear your tears darling, they kill me" he pleaded with her. He was at his wit's end now.

"I'm pregnant. You're going to be a Baba. I was just to emotional that's all. I can't thank Allah enough." She was gushing with happiness.

He sat in stunned silence. A baby! Finally. He felt as if his prayers were answered. He desperately wanted a little Aamaal after the one they lost. He doesn't show it but he still feels responsible for that incident. It's illogical but try telling that to a father's guilty heart.

He finally gauged the gravity of her words and couldn't help the tears rolling down. Tears of gratitude, of relief, of happiness and blessings. Alhamdulillah!

The months that followed were trying to say the least. Her ectopic pregnancy had left a scar on one of her ovaries. The doctor was concerned that she may not be able to carry the baby full term. It would need to be a surgical delivery for her.

During the second trimester, she also  experienced excessive morning sickness. Well not just morning but she threw up any time of day. It had no sense of the circadian cycle!

Hyperemesis gravidum. It was mostly related with multiple foetuses. They were having identical twins. Allah gave back what was taken from them. Verily HE is the greatest planner.

The kids were excited for two babies in the house. Shahveer who had started pre school and learnt a few words, would sit with her and babble away to the babies. It was too adorable.

Eshal prayed that the babies be girls. She even bribed her Aamaal chachi with her daadijaan's ladoos so that she makes sure they're her sisters.

She needed someone to play dolls with. These stupid boys just ruined her tea party with their cars and robots. Aamaal loved that little girl. She was a hoot to be with!

Furqaan always stuck to her side like glue. Even more so than before. He didn't want to take any chance with their safety.

It was finally the day that she was scheduled to be operated on. They'll get the babies out by a cesarian section. Her persisting medical conditions didn't allow for a normal delivery.

The entire family barring Faiqa and the children was at the hospital. After a few short hours, the nurse came out with two babies, tightly wrapped up in a white cloth. Boys.

Furqaan couldn't control his hiccups and tears. He had sons. Two little boys. How blessed was he. Unfortunately this event was overshadowed by the fact that he could have almost lost his wife.

The doctor informed them that her blood pressure was too high during the surgery and it was touch and go for a moment. They thankfully could revive her but sadly she would not be able to have more kids in future.

They were devastated but chose to focus on their blessings. Furqaan had two little men to mould, to love, to teach, to make into better humans.

They will never make the same mistakes as him. They would always respect the love that they have, the infinite blessings that they will be given. He would make sure of that.

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