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Death the kid POV

Soul unleashed a relentless, animalistic attack on Black Star. He was stronger than before as Black Star had trouble blocking his blows. It was as if Soul had become a wild animal, wildly attacking with quick and heavy strikes. I intervened, firing Liz and Patty as quickly as possible at the albino beast attacking my friend. It turned, distracted, and sprinted toward me. It made no attempt to block as my bullets pierced Its skin, I used Beelzebub to avoid Its attacks and noticed the clots of black blood where my bullets had hit. Before I could warn him, Black Star slashed at the creature with his uncanny sword. Black Star's attack was stopped as the sword pierced Its flesh. Tendrils of inky blood began to reach around Tsubaki and Black Star quickly jumped back, pulling his weapon with him. I saw Its smirk widen to a full on shark tooth grin as It looked me in the eyes, spilt blood meeting imperial gold. I flew over to Black Star, offering my hand and pulling him up onto Beelzebub. "That thing is like Crona, pierce Its skin and the black blood blocks before attacking. I'm going to use my Death Cannons on it. It will have to dodge them, when It does you'll have to use your soul menace attack and that will hopefully at least bring Him back into control." He nodded and went to distract It while I charged my Death Cannons.

Black Star POV

Why are we doing this? We were best friends a few months ago, and now we're at each others' throats hoping that the other will fall to our blade. I've fought him before but it was never too serious...Why? Why can't we just have a good life?

One of Soul's many blades broke me from my thoughts as I barely dodged it. He was unskilled and swung wildly, but he could afford to when he was nigh invincible to physical attacks and unrelenting enough that I could only defend, never attack. That's fine though, I just need to hold him off until Kidd can blast him.

Kidd POV

We get one shot, literally. If I miss, then between Giriko and Soul, our forces will be slaughtered. "100%" Liz told me.

"Black Star!" He immediately started running, but Soul followed. He tried to jump around and change direction, but Soul was still on his heels. Black Star cut back towards Soul, throwing Tsubaki away, and grabbed hold of him while being run through by Soul's sword arm. My eyes widened as I realized what he was doing.

"Shoot it!" Black Star yelled.

I let out a breath....

And I fired.

The fiery blast enveloped them as Soul struggled to escape Black Star's grip. I sprinted towards them as two forms fell, but one only fell on their knees. Tsubaki yelled Black Star's name as he lay unmoving on the ground. She knelt over him as I approached Soul's abused body. I told Tsubaki to get Black Star to safety and walked cautiously towards Soul.

"soul resonance..." I heard Soul mutter something that I couldn't make out.

"WITCH HUNTER!" he yelled as a crescent blade sliced through my body and soul. I stumbled backwards, blood flowing from the wound across my chest. I looked at Soul to see him lying on the ground, right arm outstretched. Patty and Liz grabbed me as I fell, helping me get away from Soul.

"Good job kid, you managed to basically kill two powerful meisters. I didn't think you could do it." Giriko's voice rang out behind me. "I hope you don't mind if I finish the job for you." I heard the sound of footsteps and a chainsaw revving as the girls carried me away and Giriko closed in. Before the girls could do anything to protect us, Stein and Spirit attacked Giriko. I watched as Giriko was slowly losing to Stein's precision and power. Giriko, seeming to realize he couldn't win, turned and ran to grab Soul. Stein then rushed towards me as I started to lose consciousness from my lack of blood.

~~~Quick Time Skip~~~

I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked around to see Black Star in the bed next to me. He was bandaged head to toe and had thicker bandages around where Soul stabbed him. Stein walked into our shared room and walked over to me, noticing that I was awake. "How do you feel?"

"Like I've had my guts ripped out."

"If Soul had cut lower, then yes, you would lack many organs. But luckily he managed to only cut through your lungs in two places. So I was able to seal those and you were okay. Be glad he didn't slice your heart, or you would have been dead in two minutes or less."

"Thanks for fixing us. We lost didn't we?"

"Yes, we lost dozens of fighters in the battle and were forced to retreat. We lost."

"I think I know how we can win the next one, but we need to do some heavy planning." Stein merely nodded and told me to get some rest, as I would need it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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