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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

Katsuki heaved a burdensome groan as he rested his head back against the wall, cobwebs tickling his cheeks as he angrily swatted them away. The two had been in the closet for about an hour or so by now, Shoto had left a little over twenty minutes ago— slipping both boys a single canteen to share as well as snacks they packed. At least they didn't have to starve while they were in there. However, giving them only one canteen to distribute between the two of them proved to be an abysmal choice of judgment on Shoto's end.

For the duo was currently bickering over who gets the last sip of water in the small container.

"I barely eat or drink anything throughout the day, so I should get the last sip!" Izuku exhaled, his grip on the canteen ironing as he pulled it more towards himself.

"Tough," The blond scoffed, pulling the container his way as he spoke. "But seeing as though this is my canteen, I should get the last sip."

Nettled by the elder's words, Izuku sighs with heavy exaggeration— placing his other hand on the canteen as well; determined not to give up. If he truly weren't so parched he would have just let the boy drink the rest of the water, yet since he and Shoto seem to think he can live off of rabbit-sized meals and drinks he'd be damned if he just gave up. Tensing his shoulder, Izuku places a foot on the wall right by Katsuki's hip— giving the water-filled container one last hard tug.

With that being said, this maneuver expedited in the two of them falling to the ground. Now keep in mind just how close compacted this closet was, leaving the duo in a rather anomalous position. Izuku flat on his back on the floor, his legs propped up on the wall and Katsuki scrunched in between them; the blond's face buried in the younger's chest.

"Get . . . Off . . . Of . . . Me," Izuku rasped, the burden of Katsuki's body beginning to demonstrate just how little strength the green-haired male had. Which brought up the query of how they ended up like this.

"It's not my fault you caught me by surprise with that little stunt of yours," Katsuki defended, attempting to push himself up at the same time Izuku began to as well.

Which resulted in an even more peculiar placement than the last. You can imagine the mixture of anger, as well as embarrassment, Izuku felt when he ended up face first in Katsuki's crotch. Swiftly pushing himself up without a word, the two both opted for sitting down— backs against opposite walls and knees up and pressed into one another's.

"I'm gonna fucking kill Todoroki when he comes back," The elder muttered, shifting a bit to pull the canteen from under his back. He stares at it for a few moments, debating on what to do, as Izuku sits silently seething on the other side.

After a few more moments of his internal conflict, Katsuki heaves a sigh. "Here," He utters, handing him the container.

Izuku froze at the sight, perplexity lacing over his usual mascarade— it took him a few minutes or so to fully piece the facade back together as his fingers slowly reached out. The tips of his digits brushing over the canteen's leather embroidery, as well as Katsuki's hand; his emerald eyes scrutinizing the blond with vehemency and skepticism. Is he for real right now? There was no plausible explanation Izuku could muster for Katsuki's sudden act of human decency.

Just like all the other times, the elder would go from being a prick to semi-nice.

"Thank you," Izuku hummed curtly, his brows drawing together and forming a line in his forehead.

"Tch, whatever,"

The younger, however, continued to intensify his gaze upon Katsuki; his orbs painstakingly grazing over every nook and cranny of the blond's expression. His hands still ploddingly gliding the tip of the canteen up to his lips as he did so. If anything he was trying to figure out what sparked his abrupt kindness in this ordeal, of course without actually flat out asking the boy. In doing so he came up remaining as flummoxed as ever.

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