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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"But seriously guys, when the fuck did Midoriya turn into such a badass?" Kaminari asked with a tooth beaming smile.

The seven of them were all presently piled in the somewhat spacious Jeep, finally on the road again with the exception of Shinsou and Monoma in their own Jeep trailing behind them. Ostensibly, Aizawa had given the two soldiers orders to stick with the original group just in case something went wrong again— much to the others vexation on the controversy. However, they were, in fact, finding amusement from Izuku and Monoma's occurrence from before.

But could you blame them? It was quite inexplicable as well as humorous to think about a petite male such as Izuku throw a man of Monoma's height over his shoulder and intimidate him. 

"I think the Small Fry has always been a badass, he's just good at hiding it," Katsuki commented from the front seat, popping another grape into his mouth. "Ain't that right, Small Fry?"

Izuku sanctioned a light chuckle to escape his mouth as he nodded his head, he too recalling the incident from a few hours ago— which brought on another series of chuckles. If anything, the curly-haired teen didn't think he had that in him, it was exciting to cogitate on the notion for a while; for he was still, even after a few hours, high on adrenaline. 

Leaning back against the seat, Izuku inhaled deeply as he threw his head back— the wind rushing through his curls and past his face. Unforgiving, sultry, yet soothing Texas heat wafting down on him in spouts as he took everything in. Birds cawed and crowed overhead in the delicate blue sky and the occasional roar of a plane engine flying above the clouds— the others would always try and guess what type of model it was whenever they heard the engines go by. Despite still yearning to be back with his family . . . Izuku couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe he was getting a new one right here.

And he couldn't be any more grateful for them.

"Hey, Midoriya?"

Ashido's voice antipathetically withdrew Izuku from his thoughts as he snapped his head back up, looking at her with raised brows. "Hm?"

"Well, it's just . . . You know, since you never talk much I realized we don't know that much about you," The woman pondered out loud, the other men in the car nodding or grunting in agreement. "And I get if you don't want to share too much with us but— since we're going to be stuck with each other for a few months I thought maybe just one thing about you couldn't hurt."

The duel-haired man's eyes flickered up to meet Izuku's in the rearview mirror before he spoke. "Maybe it'll make you feel better if we all shared one thing about each other after you, hm?" Shoto offered, taking notice of Izuku's obvious apprehension.

"Or we could all go first, and you go last?" Katsuki chimed in, shooting the younger male a playful wink. "But just give Raccoon Eyes over here something, she probably will bug you for the rest of the drive if you don't,"

Upon hearing the . . . endearing nickname Katsuki had provided the curly-haired woman with, prompted a question to formulate within Izuku as his eyes darted over to Ashido. "Where did that nickname come from?" He asked.

Ashido grumbled under her breath as she slumped down into her seat, a child-like pout evident on her lips as a light hue of red dusted and adorned her features. She was never too fond of the nickname, nor was she pleased on its origin— and it was all because she got a little too drunk a few months back.

"Long story short," Ashido heaved a sigh, "I got wasted, ended up drawing on my face with pen ink I took out of the container . . . I drew little circles around my eyes." she admitted with a soft whine at the end.

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