S1 Ep2

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Alfie's POV

I haven't seen Harper or Mitchel since last night.I just assume they went home or something.I got to school and though of the PERFECT! plan to get back at Mrs pickwell for writing on the boys bathroom walls about my advanced feet.I went to My class room to get what I need only to find Mitchel and Harper snuggling in the corner of the room asleep.I couldn't resist so i took a photo to show the others later.they're going to FREAK OUT When they see this!We all secretly ship them two together.And Its funny how Mitchel thinks we don't know about he's MASSIVE Crush on Harper when its really obvious to Everyone Except her.I was to busy fan-girling to notice they had woken up. "Morning!"I say like its completely normal to find two teenagers that suddenly disappeared after finding out a dark secret and look like they've been crying most of the night in your classroom the next day.
I got a "Morning sir"and a "Oi Oi Dickers"I think you can guess who said what.
"Harper can you help me with something?"I said getting a pen. "To even it up for you getting us into the PS situation yesterday"
"You mean the one YOU dragged ME into?"She said raising her eyebrows
"Yeahhhhhh"i say "come on i need a lookout because I don't think joe can be seen looking out the girls toilet"I opened the door and held it open for the confused girl standing up.
"I'll see ya later Mitch"she said leaving the room.Oh how much i can annoy them with this.

Harper's POV

Walking down the corridor I see Joe  waiting near the girls toilet. "Alfie why did you get me to meet you here?"Joe said walking over to us.
"I'll explain once we're in there so come on"Alfie said creeping into the girls bathroom.WHY ARE WE IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM!
"So?"I ask Leaning against the wall.Alfie started drawing something on a stall wall
"Well.....the graffiti in the men's has pickwells name all over it"
"No it has your name all over it"I say interrupting him.He just looked at me.
"How do you know that?"He asks in disbelief
"I have my sources"I smirk
"Sooo Mitchel?"he smiles.I smile sarcastically.
"And your writing 'Pickwells got a wang' on the bathroom wall. And i highly doubt you'd do this for someone else"
"True"He said tilting he's head slightly in consideration.
"So why are we here?"Joe ask
"Well.....I needed a lookout but by the time i realised having you as a look out in the GIRLS bathroom was a bad choice it was to late to cancel and i found harper in the classroom so i told her to come with me"He said finishing the drawing. "speaking of which can you see if anyone's coming?"
"It's clear"Joe said walking back over to us "but come on Alfie your gonna get us caught!Actuallyif we get caught will i have to go on the french exchange?"I looked hat him raising my eyebrow.
"so your doing this to get back at pickwell for writing about your weird feet?"I say looking at the drawing.
"Hey! I do not have weird feet they're just flat and slightly webbed"He argues. Me and joe just look at him in disbelief.
"Is that why you have to wear the special shoes?"Joe asked
"You lot are just jealous I'm involving quicker.When the ice caps melt I'll be swimming to safety like Kevin costler(No idea if that is correct just roll with it) from water world"he said smugly
"What the hell is water water world?"I ask
"Whats water world,you haven't seen water world!?'Me and joe just went to check if the coast is clear. "Uh Jesus"
"PICKWELLS COMING!"I shout moving away from the door.
"Shit!hide!"Alfie said running into a toilet stall
"There's no way out!"Joe said panicking
"The ventilation shaft!"Alfie said stupidly
"HOW!"Joe shouted
"Haven't you seen Diehard?"Alfie asked also panicked.
"Its an 18!"Joe replied
"What!?first water world now this?! What do they teach you?"Alfie asked offended
While all this was going I hid i the stall other side of the graffitied one not wanting to be caught in a vandalised bathroom.i heard them close the toilet door seconds before pickwell came in.She went into the middle stall.confused why she didn't close the door I stepped onto the toilet and looked over the top.she was standing over and pouring a bottle of cider into the toilet bowl. I heard a quite "I told you she had a wang" from Alfie.I held my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.there was a sudden bang from the Alfie's and Joe's cubical. "Everything alright in there?"pickwell asked. I panicked because I sensed them arguing. But then hearing a what I believe to be a terrible impression of a girl having a cramp and then a plop made me nearly fall of the toilet with laughter. As she turned around she saw Alfie's graffiti "pathetic" she said drawing a comma between the "l" and "s" of her name.We left when pickwell was gone.Joe traumatised,Alfie amused with himself and me dying with laughter. Our happiness was soon gone when the one and only Frank Grayson and he's goons came up to us holding he's phone up.i don't think he noticed me though "Here's dick and dick in a bungalow" I had my back to them didn't really pay attention to the conversation until I got tapped on the shoulder "sorry bout last night but this apology stays between you and me got it?"frank whispered into my ear. I simply just nodded. They walked away leaving me,Alfie and Joe they both turned to me " soooo were be blackmailed by Frank so we have to bye him cider" Alfie said bluntly.Great.we walked to the shop to get the cider.We also got gum and chocolate because why not.When we got back to school Frank and he's goons were there waiting for us.we gave him the cider as well as Alfie's change.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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