love will keep us together

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            Walking down the street, with my friends watching people, running, chatting and biking. We were planning to go to the park, having some fun. But then, I suddenly remember that I have to buy a gift for my little brother, Timmy. Bryan, Ray, and Cane were my friends. I told them about it. They said, they will help to choose a good gift for Timmy. We bought a Ferrari toy car for him. He was so happy, that we bought a Ferrari toy car.

            Waking up in the morning, taking a bath, brushing my teeth and wear a pair of clothes. My mom, drop me in school. I’m Chloe 14yr.old, studying in University of Southern California. I saw, Ray and Cane in the lobby. The three of us talk about who will be the President and Vice-president in school. Ray chooses Kate as a vice-president because she’s talented and smart. Ray and Cane ask me if who I will choose as a president in the school. I choose Bryan because he is smart and talented in basketball. Bryan has a good looking too and every girl in school like him because, he’s kind and gentleman. Bryan herds his name from my mouth. Bryan was thinking if I gossip him or whatsoever, then I told him and explain it to him.

            Saturday morning, meeting my friends, in the Mall. After, watching screenville we played basketball. 1:30 p.m., Ray and Cane have to attend a seminar for there club. Only Bryan and I left. Bryan and I were going to the school and have some walk. Obviously there is no class. Our house, where we live is not far from the school. I started talking to Bryan and my heart was beating so fast. And, I can’t even stare at him. Bryan asks me if I have a boyfriend. I told him, I don’t have a boyfriend since birth. Bryan laughed at me!! I asked him, what so funny?! Then, he said nothing.

            Monday morning is the voting for the president and vice-president in school. I vote for Bryan and Kate for president and vice-president.  Waiting for the result, Ray and I talked to Cane about who will be the president and vice-president. The result was, Bryan won as the president and Kate as the vice-president. I congratulate Bryan And Kate as our new President and Vice-president. When Bryan stands as our new president in our school he accomplished a lot of activities. And I’m proud of him.






           After two months. February 12, 1996. Two days before Valentines Day. I was planning to give Bryan a Valentines Card. I want him to know, how I feel. February 14 the day of Valentines. Going to school, seeing Bryan walking in the hallway... (Am I going to give this to him or not?!) I called Bryan… (Nervous) and give him the Valentines card. I was blushing. When he takes the card, I turn around and walk away from him. I can really tell that his looking at me. I saw Kate walking toward Bryan and they were talking to each other. I think Bryan is in trouble. Ray and Cane saw me, watching both of them. I told them, I’m just curious about those two. Ray and Cane told me about Kate and Bryan, they said Kate and Bryan has a relationship like more than friends or in short, Kate’s girlfriend of Bryan. I was shock! So, now I get it. That’s why Bryan didn’t say anything when I give him a card.

           I walk to my room and stared at the window. My brother Timmy knocked the door and he called me for a dinner. I told Timmy; tell mom, I’m not hungry. The next day I saw Bryan Kate holding there hands together. I was pretending that, I wasn’t seen both of them. Three weeks later, Bryan and Kate broke-up. I don’t know why.

Well, I have no interest about them. I just remember that tomorrow is Cane’s birthday. Cane invited us, I mean Ray and I in her birthday. When we got to her house we saw her mom and dad. Cane has the same eyes on her mother, blue. And her black hair got from his dad. Ray and I are the only students invited in her birthday. We eat dinner together. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. Cane, open it and I saw, Bryan. Cane explains to us that she invited Bryan too. She forgot to tell us that Bryan was invited. Bryan was seating next to me. I didn’t look at him. After the dinner, Bryan was seating on the couch. Cane told me, talk to Bryan maybe, you can comfort him because he just broke-up with his girlfriend. I walk straight toward him. I looked at his sad face. I stared at his green eyes. He looked at me and told me what happened. After that, Bryan said, he read my Valentines Card. He said he knew from the start that I like him. Bryan looked at me and I looked at him too... (Blushing) He holds my hands tight and my hands were like shaking when he told it. I stood up and said,” I have to go”. Ray said, “It’s too early to go home”. I looked at my watch; it was 7:40 in the evening. Cane said, let’s have some fun and celebrate her birthday.

After the party, we say thank you to Cane’s family for inviting us in her birthday.





         In the morning, I wake up at 6:30 in the morning. I’m so stupid; I set my alarm clock at 7:30 in the morning. I was rushing, going to the shower and take a bath. I wear my favorite jeans and my favorite t-shirt. While riding in my mom’s car. I was thinking if what will happen next. When we arrived in school, Ray and Cane has been waiting for me inside the classroom. We talked about what happened yesterday night. And then, Mr. Hansen came in, our math teacher. Mr. Hansen is a good teacher. I looked at the window, thinking about Bryan. The wind outside blew my hair. I was seating, first column to the last. After the class, I go to the canteen and grab some snacks.

          I sat in the table with Ray and Cane. I didn’t know that Bryan was seating with us. Bryan was looking at Kate. They guy beside her is her new boyfriend, one of the football team. I told Bryan, stop looking at them. When the bell rung. We go back to our next class, which is Physics. After the class, Bryan was waiting for me outside the physics room. He asks me if I can go out with him this coming Saturday. I told Bryan, I’ll think about it.

          Saturday morning, wearing my dress, going with Bryan. We were watching, Iron Man. I told Bryan, that I really enjoy the movie. The next day, Bryan was asking me if I could be his girlfriend. I told him I’ll think about it. 1 month later, I finally say yes. After graduating colleague, Bryan and I decide to focus on our work together. After 4 years Bryan decided to merry me. 20 years later we live together and have 3 kids. Which is Liliana, Chlobe And Adrian. Liliana is now, 20 years old. Chlobe is 16, she’s studying where I met his father, in University of Southern California. Adrian is now 12 years old.. Once again Chloe lauther And Bryan Lauther living together.


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