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that was all nine could hear over the voices that were flying around the cafeteria. he just wanted to peacefully eat his lunch, but his ears didn't seem to be deemed worthy of it.

he tried to ignore it, and focus on the food in front of him, but the noise seemed to be creeping closer to him and his friends.

'pavel, what the hell happened to you' he heard ben utter breathlessly.

all heads, including nines, turned to see what  ben was talking about, and were met with a one-shoed pavel, leaning against a wall in an attempt to support himself.

laughs could be heard all over the dauntingly huge room, but pavel seemed entirely unfazed by it.

'babe-' dome started.

'look, all you guys need to know is the muddy puddle outside the gates demanded a sacrifice, and my shoe was the unlucky victim'

choked snickers left the boys mouths, as they ushered him to sit down with them.

'we got you lunch too' ben pushed some kind of sandwich in his direction 'but it's almost time for next period now'

'what's the time?'


pavel sighed 'how the hell am i going to get to my class like this' he announced, gesturing at his bare, slightly muddy foot.

before anyone could say a word, dome had already begun to lift pavel out of the comfort of his seat, and into to his strong arms instead.

'done what the fuck are y-' he cried, but dome shushed him.

'carrying you to class'

pavel let out an even bigger sigh, but couldnt stop the smile from creeping up on his face. dome was an idiot, that was for sure, but he was his idiot, and pavel found comfort in knowing that.

'we'll be off then guys' dome added, before whisking pavel off to his next lesson.

everyone sat there, smiles wide, as they watched the couple disappear into the distance.

everyone except nine.

nine could feel his blood boiling, seeing two people so happy, knowing he would never be granted that same feeling.

as everyone else watched, eyes full of love, nine watched with his full of anger and jealousy. he was the only one of his friends that was single. pavel had dome, ben had earth and joong..

joong had plernpleng.

even hearing her name was enough to make nine feel physically sick, but thoughts of her and joong often clouded his mind. every time he thought he was getting somewhere with joong, seeing the way his eyes lit up when he saw her, brought him back to his miserable reality.

joong would never choose him.

'nine? nine are you alright?'

nine jumped, earths voice reminding him of where he was, and softly nodded at the comment.

earth shot him a puzzled look, not trusting nines nod, but jumped himself when he felt bens arm snake around his body.

'p'ben!!' he giggled slapping his hand away, and staring lovingly into his boyfriends eyes.

nine had to stop himself from gagging at the sight.

'we will be off too then, i guess' ben mumbled, and earth agreed, as they began slowly fading into the distance.

joong caught nines expression as he watched ben and earth move away, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

'p' is everything okay' he asked softly.

he hated to admit it, but nine loved it when joong spoke like this. he had a soft spot for the boy, especially when he talked in his cute little voice. he couldn't bring himself to look at joong, because he knew his puppy dog eyes wouldn't completely melt him, so he instead began to pack his things up, ready to head to his next class.

'mhm' nine mumbled back.

as soon as joong noticed nine was getting ready to leave, he began packing his things up too.

'joong, what are you doing?' nine was perplexed, as he knew joongs timetable like the back of his hand, and joong was meant to have the rest of the day off, relaxing.

'walking you to class' he spoke, nonchalantly

nines eyes went wide with shock, and he debated on asking joong to repeat himself. it was rare, even though they were best friends, for him to want to spend extra time with nine.

nine didn't say anything more, but couldnt stop the grin that appeared on his flushed face.

that was until he heard loud footsteps approaching them. nine knew exactly what was about to happen. he kept his eyes firmly glued to his bag, facing his body away slightly as they got closer.

'pleng, baby, you're here' joong called out, making nine physically recoil at the name.

'chen!!' she squealed in her stupidly high pitched voice.

nine rolled his eyes so hard he could have sworn everything went dark for a moment. he hated it when she called him chen. joong only let the most special people call him chen, and she definitely wasn't deserving of that privilege, but he seemed to allow her anyway.

although nine had promised himself he wouldn't look at her, he couldn't help but let his eyes drift to where the two of them stood, where he was greeted with what was by far the most disgusting thing he had seen that day.

they were kissing.

for the umpteenth time, nine had to make sure his gag reflex didn't get the best of him, and he silently stood watching the events unfold.

after what seemed like an eternity, they finally pulled away from eachother, and joong noticed nine had witnessed the whole thing.

he was about to say something, but before he could, pleng spoke up,

'chen, please will you walk me to my next class? i don't want to go alone and all my friends have different classes' she held his hand  tightly between hers, and stared longingly into his eyes.

joong glanced at nine, noticing the faint smile disappearing from his p's face. he bit his lip slightly, before turning back, to pleng, forcing a smile.

'of course i can!' he answered, squeezing her hand back.

he decided against looking back at nine, not wanting to face the consequences of the decision he had just made.

'see you later nine'  joong stammered, turning away as quickly as possible.

pleng however, turned back to nine, flicking her silky, brown hair back over her shoulders.

'have a good afternoon, nine' she called out, a smirk appearing across her face.

nine managed to subdue himself from going over there and giving her a piece of his mind, and instead simply gave a small nod, turning back to gather his things.

he trudged away, the giggles that slipped out of pleng slowly dispersing out of ear shot, and headed to his final lesson.

A/N: hiya!!! how was that? this isn't a very interesting chapter but we are only just getting a feel for the characters so fear not heheh

i'll update v soon!! have a good day lovelies <3

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