
492 22 10

nine groaned, feeling his mind splitting headache worsen.

'p'nineeee' a voice next to him whined.

'mmm?' he hummed.

'are you okay?'

that was a good question, which he seemed unable to answer. was nine okay? he wasn't too sure whether anyone would be after the events of last night.

'joong' he managed to force out.

'what?' the boy turned himself over, and shot nine a confused look.

'do you...remember last night?' he met joongs gaze, swallowing hard.

joong chuckled slightly, making nines stomach twist in a panic.

'we got pretty smashed up right' he smiled before adding 'the best nights are always the ones you cant remember'

nine didn't know how to feel about those words. it might be for the best, but god did it make his heart sting.

'why?' joong suddenly threw him straight out of his trance, making nine jump slightly.

'just wondering' he avoided further eye contact, taking himself to the door, and across to the kitchen for breakfast.

today was their final day of freedom, and as of tomorrow they would be officially enrolled in their university. he had to admit he was a little bit scared. it was definitely daunting and new, and it would be unlike anything he'd experienced before, but there was a hint of the original excitement left in him. they would have the ability to come and go as they please, with no parents in the way, alongside the fact they still had to work and keep up with deadlines. it was strange, nine knew that, but he knew he would enjoy it.

while in the kitchen, nine came to the realisation that although they had finished unpacking, the only edible items in their kitchen were coffee granules and milk.

with a huff, he made his way back to the bedroom, where he found a not yet entirely sober joong getting changed.

his eyes flitted up and down the boys half naked body, admiring every inch, before joong spoke up.

'is everything okay?' he questioned.

nine froze, before shaking his head rapidly and moving over to his wardrobe.

'yep, all good' he muttered back.

a smirk made its way on joongs face, and he chuckled slightly.

'jealous?' he asked.

nine stopped dead in his tracks, brows furrowing.


'you were staring at my body. are you jealous? i've been working out a lot recently'

nines cheeks burned. he hadn't realised joong caught him staring at him body.

'why would i be jealous?? have you seen me?' he joked back.

joong laughed, shaking his head, and let the conversation die as they both got changed.

nine picked out one of his favourite outfits. a beige button up, with a pair of black jeans. it was simple, but smart enough to be worn out, and he felt comfortable in it which was most important.

'it's okay if i invite pleng over later, right? she seemed upset yesterday i just wanted to cheer her up' joong remarked.

nines body physically hurt from hearing that, but let a smile plaster his face anyway.
'of course! i'm heading out to get some food, seeing as we literally have fuck all in the fridge' nine stated 'did you want to come?'

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