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nines small hands quivered, the cold breeze running straight through his body. he was well aware of the fact he would most likely regret this some other time, but just this once, he didn't want to care. the air blew against his freshly coloured hair, brushing it against his eyelids, and he slumped slightly against the wall of the bar.

his mind wandered, as he thought of joong, and what him and pleng might be getting up to right now. he clenched his jaw tightly, thinking of the all the things they could be doing, and decided it best to shake that thought away.


nine snapped his head towards the direction of the sound.

'p'bright' he beamed.

'what are you doing out here?' he questioned, approaching nine 'you should have waited for me inside, it's cold' bright took off his own coat, and placed it around the smaller boy, who's shaking began to subside.

'thank you' nine whispered, a smile creeping across his face.

'shall we go inside?' bright asked.

'i thought you'd never ask'


nines body seemed to feel heavier than usual, and sweat poured off of him.

'm'scuse me' he babbled to the waiter 'can we get a couple m'shots' he stammered through hiccups.

nine would have felt bad for being so out of it, but it seemed bright was just as bad as him. they'd both spent hours drinking, for reasons the other didn't know about.

'fucking hell' bright suddenly announced.

'whas wrong' nine giggled in response.

bright took a very deep breath, shaking his head, which only confused nine.

's'everythin okay?'

bright laughed slightly 'my boyfriends cheating on me' he blurted out.

even in his drunken state, nines eyes shot up.

'shit, i'm so sorry-'

'don't be, it isn't your fault, there's nothing anyone can do now' he mumbled sadly to himself.

nine kept his lips sealed, but inched closer to him, putting his arms around bright and rubbing small circles into his shoulder.

'i promise things will get better' he whispered, still off his face, but managing to form coherent sentences.

'the shots you asked for' the voice took both boys by surprise, jumping back slightly.

'oh, thank you' bright smiled at him.

nine could only watch, as he took the glass to his lips, and downed it all at once, eyes shut tight from the burn it must have left in his throat. when bright opened his eyes, nine could see tears had threatened to fall, making him look like something out of a shitty, sad movie. nine could feel the pain bright must have felt in that moment. he understood what it was like to have nothing left to give, to be totally destroyed, to want it all to stop. brights eyes stayed glued down, as tears began to delicately grace his cheeks.

'don't cry, he's not worth your tears' nine whispered softly, leaning across to wipe them for him. as his tiny fingertips grazed the skin of brights cheeks, brights eyes met his own, causing his heart to pound deep within his chest. now only inches apart, his mind was screaming at him, begging him to move away, and so he complied.

's-sorry, i didn't mean to get so clo-'

but before nine could finish his sentence, he felt something warm against his lips.

brighter than a blue sky (joongnine)Where stories live. Discover now