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after a few more goodbye-filled days of highschool, they finally broke for the holidays. the break went as fast as it came, and before they knew it, nine and joong were filling suitcase upon suitcase, and box upon box ready for the upcoming transition to university.

they were roughly 3 days away from moving into their new accommodation, and much to nines delight, joong had asked him to stay at his house until then, to make the actual move that little bit easier.

nine had to admit he was truly ecstatic about going to university. although he didn't know what to expect, it being his first proper time away from home, he revelled in the positives. all his friends were going to be there and they would all be living in the same building, giving plenty of opportunities for them to spend time drinking themselves to sleep.

he was excited to share a room with joong, that had always been the plan, but he knew this would mean his eyes frequently being subject to plernpleng. nine knew she would constantly be in and out of that room, with a stupid grin across her face and there was nothing he could do about it.

she was joongs girlfriend after all.

he had tried to push this from the front of his mind, and he succeeded for many months, but now that moving in was on the horizon, he couldn't seem to shift this thought.

nine lay silently on his soft bed, taking in the last of what home had to offer. the comforting smell, the feel of his bedsheets beneath him, all of it, because he didn't know when he would get to feel like this again.


a couple of hours had passed, and nine knew he should prepare to leave for joongs. joong didn't live far away, but with the hefty pile of boxes staring at him, he knew he wouldn't be walking there.

he was about to get up, and begin his quest, when he felt the faint buzzing of his phone, not once, but twice against his thigh.

after the initial panic from the sudden sensation wore off, nine carelessly took his phone out to see who it was.

4;53pm | chen: what time are you coming over?

4:53pm | chen: my mums making our favourite dinner, so you can't be later than 7 p', you hear me?

nine felt the blood rush to his cheeks, taking extra time reading the word 'our' he was very much aware how stupid is was to get flustered over a word, especially as he knew it would mean nothing to joong, but he couldn't help that happiness that was burning under his skin.

he smirked, pondering the perfect cocky reply he could give.

4:54pm | nine: you miss me that much already hm?

4:55pm | chen: don't flatter yourself

4:55pm | nine: im just starting to move my stuff to the car now, how soon do you want me there?

4:55pm | chen: whats the earliest time you can do?

4:56pm | nine: hm maybe like 5:30?

4:56pm | chen: see you then

nine giggled, shaking his head slightly in amusement at the youngers impatience.

that was all it took for the boy to get himself up. joong was like the motivation he needed just to do simple tasks. he was okay with the fact that wasn't healthy, purely because he wasn't willing to find any other sort of incentive.

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