The trip

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It was Saturday morning and I had everything packed. My lunch had been placed at the top of my rucksack, my compass dangling down from one of the straps, while everything else had been shoved in in a mad frenzy, all ready for the school trip. I walked down stairs and saw my grandpa Ben sitting at the kitchen table eating his breakfast.

"You have everything don't you Rey?"

Don't get me wrong I love my grandpa, only he is a little protective over me.
When I was younger my parents gave me up for adoption and I was put through numerous care and foster homes. Only when I was around 8 I was adopted by a man called Putt. He owned a car garage and as I was small would often force me to go underneath the cars and fix them. Yes, that is child labour.

To Putt it was irrelevant whether I had an education or not, so when a man came into the garage one day and saw me fixing the cars, he asked me why I wasn't in school.
I stared at him for a while, I must have looked rather sheepish and I suspect my face turned a few shades redder, he turned around and within an hour a police car and a silver Mercedes pulled up in front of the garage. A tall lady with long blonde hair got out and walked right up to me.

"My name is Leia don't worry your safe with me".

With that she held out her hand and took my own in hers gently pulling me towards the car and shut the door.
I was back in the foster home. Until one day I got a call from Leia saying that a relative of mine has come forward and wants to take me in.

When I met my Grandpa, they said he was from my mother's side of the family and that ben had no idea that I my mother had given me up. Grandpa was very curious about my life before coming to live with him.

He asked me lots and lots of questions and when I told him simply that I had never been to school he nearly blew a fuse. He told me he would home school me just until I knew the basics, so that when I went to school I was not made to feel stupid by the other kids.

On my fist day of school, I met a guy called Finn and his best friend Poe they were really welcoming it was nice to have someone show me the ropes. Finn Poe and I spent every moment of the day together, we were in separable but when gym came I did not know what do, I did not know anyone. Poe had warned me to watch out for a girl called Phasma, who had twice been the reason that girls left the school.

She would begin by going into the school reception and reading you school file as she was one of Mr Snokes favourites, then slipping notes into your locker about the things she had read. Then she would start to call you by names associated with those things she had read. If that did not work, then she might steal your clothes once you were in gym or just punch you if you really made her mad. But of course, being one of the headmasters Mr Snokes little pets, neither the teaches or you when you complained could not touch her.

Naturally there were groups of people that you try to avid at all costs and the group Phasma was in was one of them. There were around ten of them altogether but the main ones: Hux, Phasma and Kylo. Hux and Phasma had been seeing each other for over a year now: they were made for each other, both as cold and calculating as the other but Hux was all bark and no bite. Unless Kylo said it was ok, then you found yourself lying in pieces on the floor.

Kylo was the groups leader, if he said jump his followers would say 'how high?', if he said run they would say 'where to'. He was arrogant, cruel and had a terrible temper. Many of the school's classrooms had been trashed thanks to temper tantrums.

Once I had reassured my grandpa that I had everything packed, my lunch, compass and any other essential items I would need for the latest in the long line of school excursions. I walked out the house and stepped into the bright sunshine when my grandpa came waddling out the front door.

"Rey, you have forgotten your coat!" grandpa yelled.

"I wont need did. Look around it is a glorious day. There is not a cloud in the sky, it won't rain."

Grandpa muttered something under his breath, that was along the lines of 'you will regret it'. I simply rolled my eyes watching grandpa waddle back into the house and got onto the bus that had been waiting patiently and plonked myself down next to Finn with Poe in the seat behind.

It took two and a half hours to get to Derbyshire but once we were there and off the sweaty bus, I cloud see why we had come. Rolling green hills lay within a valley, while the sun danced the tree tops and streams trickled down the hillside. I felt the cool summers breeze whispering to my hair that I had tied in a half up-half down style with a bun at the back. While the golden sunlight bathed my face in a warm glow.

I turned around at the sound of the teacher reading out a list of our names and who we would be partnered with. Me Poe and Finn all stood in a group in the hope that Miss Holdo would not place us with any of Kylo's friends.

"Kira Swan and Poe Dammeron, Armitage Hux and Phasma Leion, Rey Kenobi and Kylo Ren."

No, no. this cant be happening. As the teacher read out mine and Kylo's names a sense of utter betrayal formed in my gut. Miss Holdo knew how much I hated Kylo and how much Kylo hated me. She gave me an apologetic look as she and Kylo walked over to where I stood completely abandoned by my friends as they skipped off with their partners.

Kylo was much taller than I was and had deep brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I might think him handsome if he was not such an arrogant bastard.

I quickly snapped out of that train of thought, too frightened to see where it was going as Kylo said "Are you going stare at me all day or are we going to get going?" Kylo had a stupid smirk plastered to his face. I grabbed the map and strode out in front of him.

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