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We walked in silence for what must have seemed like hours but really was only a few minutes as I turned around and found that I could still see the bus and the other people in my class beginning to pair off.

"Keep up will you" said Kylo clearly exasperated.

I hurried along struggling to keep my ridiculously oversized backpack on my shoulders. Kylo's steps were large and he strode out in front of me forcing me to continuously feel like I was running.

"Why didn't you ask to change groups?" I asked.
Clearly I had a death wish since I am asking the school bad boy something. Hell, he might just kill me for even talking to him.

Suddenly his footsteps stopped, and his eyes burrowed into me as if trying to decern if I deserved a quick death or not.

"What did you say?"

I wasn't sure if he wanted me to repeat the question or he was giving me a chance to not say anything. Like a fool I choses the first option.

"Why didn't you ask to change groups, I am sure miss would have let you"

"Because its none of your business that's why"

And the silence began again. I could see the streams of sunlight flickering through the trees making the green leaves of the trees glisten and glimmer. I loved being outdoors surrounded by nature I felt a kind of peace I didn't experience anywhere else. Sometimes when things got too much or I would start thinking about putt or my mum and dad I would try mediating, picturing an ocean calm and blue as if a storm had just passed leaving the calmness of the sea. There is an island, I am always alone on it, its always easier that way.

Snapping out of my daze I began to realise I had been blindly following Kylo for the past 20 minutes.

"Wait where are we?"

"I don't know I thought you were meant to be looking at the map"

"What! When the hell did we agree that?"

Kylo just rolled his eyes at me as he flung his own backpack on the ground. He was tugging at the zip mummering and cursing under his breath. Furiously rummaging through his bag, he finally found the map of the woods we were meant to be using to find the camp site.

"Fuck this" Kylo huffed.

I dropped my rucksack partly due to the fact it was so damb heavy, but I also know grandpa had packed a map in my bag.

"You had a map this whole fucking time"

"Shut up will you! You think your so high and mighty and I honestly have no clue why. Your no better than anyone else, in fact you are worse you bully and coward who hides behind the headmaster."

I must have stunned him completely because he just stared at me aghast at my sudden outburst. I was just so sick of him the way he treated others it wasn't right. Kylo opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

However, his shocked and motionless state didn't last long as I could see rage flooding into his eyes and watched his fists clench at his side.

Before I realised what was happening Kylo lunged at me pushing my back up
against a tree.

"Don't talk to me like that, who do you think you are, you're just a little girl whose parents left her, your nothing"

That was it I had had enough of Kylo. I pushed back causing him to stumble backwards in shock. He quickly regained his balance and threw his body towards mine attempting to knock me off my feet. I dogged, ducking under his arm and kicking my foot into his back pushing him on the floor. It didn't take him long to regain his footing however and was staring me down like a predator does to its prey. I was looking to deeply into his eyes that I hadn't realised a fist was on direct course for my face.

My grandpa used to be a martial arts teacher in his spare time and so taught me I few things, I was well aware I wasn't the strongest person and I was nothing in comparison to Kylo, that guy must work out every day. But I was small, and I was fast, and I would use that to my advantage.

I swerved sideways missing Kylo's fist however he was able to grab my hair and pulled me onto the ground and pinning me beneath him.

"Stop struggling" he said trying to keep me down. Obviously, I ignored him.

"You fight good. Well you would if you had someone to teach you properly"

"How do you know I don't?"

"I can tell". By this point Kylo had loosed his grip on my wrists and unconsciously I had stopped struggling.

"Let me teach you". I must have heard him incorrectly, was the school maniac offering to give me fighting lessons. I must have given him a really puzzled look because he then said,


I asked him why and he simply shrugged his shoulders and told me he was unsure. Realising our very compromising position I pushing him off me and walked over to where the map was poking out of my backpack. Neither of us said anything to each other about what he had just asked or what had just happened we just got the map out and began to assess where we were.

That's when I heard it. The rumble of the back clouds and the tinkling of rain. We had walked for miles blindly and now had no clue where we were, and the heavens were about to be unleashed. We really only had one option, but I just didn't want to voice our choice out loud.

"We are gonna have to make camp here"

"But there is only one tent" he looked at me like I was stating the obvious which of course I was "we can't both go in the same tent"

"Alright then you sleep outside, and I will be nice and warm and dry" the more we stood there the more I could feel the rain drops splashing on me. The air turned colder and more oppressive, if we didn't get this tent up soon we would end up catching pneumonia.

"Fine "I huffed. Kylo had already pulled the tent off the clip on my bad and had begun assembling it. I began threading the poles through the flaps and securing the pegs.

In no time at all the tent was up and we both chambered inside to escape the rain which was now lashing down.

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