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"Brad, we're gonna get in trouble!"

Walking into the Fenton mansion, Brad ignored his girlfriend's hissed protest as he stepped further inside. "It'll be fine, babe. C'mon, live a little." 

Margo huffed, giving the man a snide look. "I prefer living from the outside of a jail cell. We're trespassing." 

Looking around the grand house, Margo stared in awe at the giant chandelier which was covered in decades of cobwebs. Meandering away from her partners in crime, her hand fell from Brad's as she ran it along the dusty staircase railing. 

"Margo, you don't have a record. You'd only be held for like two days. Besides, this place has been abandoned for decades. No one cares. Kids come in here all the time." 

"Whatever." Margo answered her best friend Julia. The girl was already busy taking pictures of the broken down house; a film camera wrapped around her caramel-colored neck. "What are we supposed to do now?"

"Find the ghosts, duh." Making a funny face, Brad stepped closer to his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her tightly, making her squeal. The sound made his heart warm, the love he had for the girl obvious in the smile on his face and the light in his eyes. 

"Yeah, genius? How?" 

Brad was silent as Margo looked up at him in question. He hadn't exactly thought about that part. "Umm...walk around?" At the unimpressed look from the girl cradled in his arms, his eyebrows raised. "What? It's not like I'm a ghost hunter or something." 

"Brad, we were supposed to watch movies tonight." Margo complained, having wanted the night off to relax. Work had been grueling and her boss had been riding her ass; breathing down her neck and making her stay overtime. It didn't help that her mother had begun drinking heavily again, sending Margo constant texts whenever her husband did something to annoy her. 

"I know, I know, but this'll be fun. I promise." He told her, leaning down to press a small kiss to her lips. It left her wanting more, something she was incredibly used to. 

It was only a moment before Julia gained their attention. Her eyes were wide as she came back from the dining area. "Did you guys hear that?" 

"Hear what?" As if someone heard the boy, a loud creak resonated through the house. It echoed eerily, sending chills down Margo's spine. Brad would never admit it, but it freaked him out. "Oh, that." 

"I swear to god, if that is a serial killer, I'm gonna haunt you from the grave." Margo hissed, pointing harshly at her boyfriend. A harsh gasp from behind her caught her attention, turning around quickly. 

What she saw sent her into an immediate state of panic. Heart rate speeding up, her brows furrowed as her eyes widened. Sweat gathered on her palms as she took a shaky step back. In front of her, her best friend was being enveloped by a sickly black smoke. It seemed to be rushing into the girl's mouth; Julia's body convulsing at the intrusion. 

"What the hell?" 

Julia's body abruptly stopped spasming as the last of the smoke disappeared into her body. A sick smile spread on her cheeks as she stretched, rolling her neck with a relaxed sigh. 

"I wasn't expecting company. Your friend is absolutely decadent." 


This is absolute shit, I'm so sorry lol. I didn't really know what to do for the pre-plot. This is the shortest prologue I've ever written jfc. All credit for the utterly amazing banner goes to -LEODICAPRIOS 

No Ghostfacers are in this fic, the line 'It's not like I'm a ghost hunter' just made me think of them lmao



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