New Home, New Life

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Chapter 7: New Home, New Life

When Margo awoke, Crowley was gone. Sitting up, the woman yawned and stretched out; her muscles aching. It was a good ache though. One that said she'd spent the weekend very well. 

Hands dropping to her sides, Margo became confused as she noticed the change in scenery. The room she was in was no longer infiltrated with light from tattered white curtains. Black curtains now covered the windows, keeping out the early afternoon light. The sheets on the bed were not a dirty white but instead threaded with a golden pattern. 

As she continued to look around the room, she noticed more and more differences. The four-poster bed had been changed out for a normal king-sized bed with a padded white headboard. The concrete floors were completely covered by nailed down carpet that looked soft to the touch. Expensive looking side tables and a dresser took place of the desk with a missing drawer. The walls were even different. The plain white walls were gone and replaced with dark crimson bricks. A few were cracked. 

Brows furrowed, Margo carefully stood up, wrapping the sheet around her bare body. For a moment, she wondered what she was supposed to do with no clothes. Trailing her fingers along the left side table, she continued around the room as her fingers lingered on the beautiful dresser. 

The closet to the right of the dresser caught the blonde's attention, causing her to pull the wicker doors open. Inside were coats - a whole rack designated to the kind she liked on him - long sleeves, and button-up shirts. On the floor were perfectly shined shoes. From there, she continued to look around, finding the double doors right across from the bed and the bathroom to the right of it. To the left of the bathroom door was a table with a flat-screen tv; one she figured didn't get much air time. 

Flicking a light switch she found, nothing happened, but it turned her attention to two chandelier-esque wall sconces. Instead of containing lights, they held candles, leading the woman to believe the building had no power. Humming in thought, she traveled back to the walk-in closet, running her hands over a few pieces of clothing. A black button-up was slipped from its hanger and pulled on her body, barely covering her ass. The top drawer of his dresser revealed boxer shorts; a pair being greedily pulled over Margo's legs. 

Sighing dreamily, the girl flopped back on the comfortable bad, running her hands through her hair in disbelief. Four days ago she'd been living a lie, hating her life, and desperately trying to pretend that she wasn't. Four days ago she'd desired so many things that she pushed away and now there was no way she could. Part of her was scared and worried about that, but the other part was so tired of trying to be the good guy. Trying to be pure. Trying to be normal. She was ready for something different. And nothing spelled different like the King of Hell. 

Rolling over in the bed, Margo screamed lightly into one of the plush pillows. She just couldn't believe what was happening. She just hoped she wouldn't have to leave all of this. Get a taste and then go back to her normal life pretending like nothing had happened. She didn't think she could. 

"Now, now, darling. Save that for after hours." 

Twisting abruptly, she sat up in bed to see Crowley walking in with a tray, a smirk on his face. A blush spread on her cheeks, embarrassed at being caught in her small episode. 

"I brought you food. I know you must be famished." As the man set the tray on the bed, Margo noticed it contained pasta and garlic bread. "And must I say, my clothes look much better on you than me." 

Blush growing even more, Margo moved forward on her knees, settling in front of the plate. Grabbing a piece of bread, she took a small bite. "Where'd you go?" 

𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑 ⛦𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖞⛦Where stories live. Discover now