Baby Demons

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Chapter 10: Baby Demons

Over the course of the next eight months, things got interesting. Brad's deal had come to an end and he was taken by Crowley's personal hound and dragged down to hell. Once there, Margo had made a personal visit to torture him. She only stayed there for a few days, but by the time she was done, Brad was a demon. The added torture of having the woman he once loved poke and prod at him, physically and mentally, for two weeks in hell time had been the last straw for him. The baby demon was confined to hell; a torment in and of itself.

Three months after Brad, Julia's name popped up in Margo's paperwork (which seemed much more menial now that she was a demon.) Reading over the report, she found Julia had in fact admitted herself into a mental hospital. After Brad's sudden death, the girl went off the deep end and slit her wrists with an unattended scalpel in the medical ward. Margo no longer had much ability to feel guilt and the part of her that still could, didn't. In her eyes, her life got better after that whole mess and she knew Julia would be better on the dark side than she would locked in that hospital. Not to mention, the girl had always been drawn to darkness. 

With the paper thrust in Crowley's arms, Margo made her second trip down to hell, easily convincing the mocha-skinned girl to become a demon. Julia's demeanor immediately changed. She wasn't as dark and twisted and many of the demons, as she hadn't been tortured, but she'd definitely become the darkness she chased. She no longer cared about the man she'd killed while she was possessed and quickly joined the fold. 

At first, Meg was jealous of Julia, thinking Margo's old friend would take her previous place as her right hand. Monica, on the other hand, knew no one could take her place and didn't worry about it for a second. Over a short course of time, Meg realized that wasn't going to happen and quickly made friends with the new crossroads demon. Demetri was the one she got closest to; the two quickly falling into a sexual relationship. When the man wasn't teaching, helping with battle plans, or with the girls, he was with Julia in some random town across the globe. 

The new demon got her own room at the asylum and roamed around as she pleased, making deals with any good prospects she came across. Finally able to travel, and in seconds, she took advantage and made deals all over the world. In just the first month, their numbers went up by 5% which of course made Margo smirk. She had been the one to appoint Julia with the job, knowing how good she was at coercing people into things during her human days. 

The last interesting thing to happen in those eight months was that Margo met the Winchester brigade. of them. And technically, she was about to meet him. Crowley had left not long ago, on his way to go pick up a very black-eyed Dean Winchester. Margo was told before he left not to approach them until Crowley came to her first. Dean Winchester was already unpredictable without a twisted soul and he didn't want anything happening to his queen.

Standing at the bar of the Black Spur, a pub the demonic group frequented, Margo ordered shots of tequila while people behind her sang along to karaoke songs. Most were awful, but there was the occasional human that would take the woman by surprise, making her toast to them before downing a shot. The burn that trailed down her throat made her smirk; red lipstick leaving a stain on the rim of the small glass. 

Margo was currently dressed to the tens. On her body was a little black dress, complete with a v-neckline and transparent layers over her midsection. It was a strappy number; one going over either shoulder while two others crossed over her chest and down her back. On her feet were black stilettos, the red insoles making her feel powerful. Her fingers held two rings; one given to her by Crowley on their second anniversary. The other was a gift given to her by Monica when she finally made the transition to demonhood. The first was a simple silver band with the words 'chopped liver' engraved on the inside. To anyone else, it would make no sense, but those were the first words he ever said to her; 'what am I, chopped liver?' The one given to her by Monica was a glossy black, decorated with flames under the surface. It seemed incredibly fitting. 

𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑 ⛦𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖞⛦Where stories live. Discover now