Poking the Bear

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Chapter 4: Poking the Bear

Looking down, Crowley noticed the devil's trap peaking out from the tattered rug. He only took a moment to curse himself for being so distracted before glancing at Margo in his periphery. "Margo, you need to-" 

Crowley's words were cut off as Trevor released a small 'nope' and with a flick of his fingers, threw Margo back into the broken-down couch in the living area. "Oh, no. Can't have that." Spinning through a doorway with wild eyes, Trevor walked through the office that connected to the kitchen, effectively avoiding the trap Crowley was caught in. "Let's have some fun." 

Grabbing the last trusty knife left in the room, he walked out, looking between Margo and Crowley as he waved it in the air. "There's just something so nice about this." He drawled, leaning his shoulder against the entryway as he pressed his finger to the tip, spinning the blade slowly. "King in a trap. Human girl defenseless. Oh, how it gives me the jollies." 

"Trevor, you're insane. Let me out now." 

"Call me insane and then want a favor? I'm insulted." Trevor responded, pushing off of the wall to stand in front of his ruler. "Who do you think I am?" 

"You're scum, Trevor. Bottom feeder, crossroads trash that seems to have put on his big boy panties this morning." Crowley said, tone heightening towards the end in condescension. "We both know I'll find my way out of here, so why don't you let me out? I'll even let you live. If not, I've got a very nice dungeon with your name on it in hell." 

Trevor pretended to think for a moment, tapping the tip of the knife on his chin. "Nah, I'm good. But, I will be going to play with your little human." With a giddy expression, malicious excitement lighting up his eyes, Trevor spun around. 

Taking his time, the demon whistled a little tune, swaying from side to side as he made his way into the front room. Reaching Margo, he gripped her hair tightly, pulling her off of the floor. "Hi!"

Keeping herself from making another pained noise, Margo blinked as blood ran over her eyelid. Gathering all the saliva she could manage, she spit in the man's face. "Go to hell. Literally." 

With a delirious little laugh, Trevor wiped his face off with the hand that held his knife. "That was not nice. How about we play a game. Not 21 questions - god, boring. I was thinking, how many times can you poke the bear before he gets really mad." 

Only a second passed before the knife was brought up to Margo's face, slowly cutting into her cheek. The girl held her ground, staring stubbornly into Trevor's eyes with resilience. Behind him, Crowley was already fuming. 

"Wow, you're a stubborn one. No wonder he likes you so much. I think you actually might've surpassed Dean Winchester on his list of favorite humans. Impressive."  

Titling his head, his eyes ran over her body in a way that made her skin crawl. The knife pressed to her jugular kept her from doing anything to fight back. "You are just impressive all over, aren't you? Maybe I should take you for a test run, what d' ya say?" 

Pushing her backward, Margo fell back on the couch. He pinned her with his body weight, moving the knife slowly down her neck until it hit her collarbone. Digging in, a small squeak that Margo couldn't hold came out as the tip of the knife twisted under the skin. Her eyes sealed shut for a split second before they popped back open, not wanting the demon to be out of her sight. 

"You just look so good decorated in blood." He said, head tilting back and forth as he gazed over the wounds on her body. "I mean, I got you good earlier, but now? God damn mouth-watering." 

𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑 ⛦𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖞⛦Where stories live. Discover now