Chapter 5

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It was about an hour later when she finally arrived back to the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry and Ron were sitting on the couch in front of the blazing fireplace with Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom. They seemed to be discussing their holiday plans. The Ravenclaw student looked up as Hermione entered through the portrait. "Hello Hermione, we were just talking about you," she said in her soft singsong voice. "What took you so long?"

She was surprised to see all of them sitting there. "Oh," she looked down nervously at her book bag, making sure that the Love-Me-Nots were thoroughly stored. That was all she needed; Neville, the aspiring botanist to notice them and to start asking her a bunch of questions. "I had to stop by Professor McGonagall's." She was a terrible liar, but she couldn't risk them finding out her real reason for her tardiness. "I had forgotten to give her her Christmas gift. How did everyone's exams go?" She was now trying to take the four sets of eyes off of her and onto a different subject. A subject the others would not question—studies.

Ron and Harry each groaned at the reference of the dreaded examinations.

Luna looked somewhat hopeful. "I think I passed them all. I felt confident enough, at least. Although on Monday, nargles stole my quills and my ink. If it hadn't been for Professor Lupin, I may not have been able to take any of my exams at all."

"Why?" She asked the question quicker than she had meant to at the mention of his name. She cleared her throat softly, a little embarrassed by her slight outburst.

"He let me borrow a few of his quills and ink for the week." The smile was evident in her voice as well as her eyes as she spoke of their professor. "I really do like him. What great professors we have here at Hogwarts."

Learning that even a comment as innocent as Luna's had made her jealous, she realized she had to get to her private quarters, immediately. She had to make that anti-love potion and fast. "Yes. We do." Her answer was short and to the point. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go pack for the holiday. I leave first thing in the morning."

The gang said their goodbyes, some more accepting of her departure than the others.

She raced quickly and quietly into the boys' dormitory, relieved to see it was empty. She grabbed what she needed and stealthily headed back up the stairs toward her room. She put on Harry's Invisibility Cloak and entered the girls' bedchamber; she had to be sure that she would not be seen. Once she was satisfied that no one would be coming in behind her, she pulled the cloak off and draped it in a canopy-like structure, across her four bed posts. It just barely reached the sides, but it made it. She climbed onto her bed and carefully poured the contents of her bag out. She glanced at the list of ingredients to make this potion. The best part was that, she could prepare everything ahead of time. She would organize all her elements now and then brew it later that night in the Prefect Bathroom above the Chamber of (not so) Secrets when she was sure everyone was asleep.


Remus Lupin prepared himself as best he could for bed. He knew it would be unrealistic to expect a full night's sleep, but he was hopeful anyway. He looked at the photo of his wife on his small mahogany squared side table next to his makeshift bed. He picked it up, looking at her, wondering to himself why she stayed with him. Thoughts of her frankly made him feel rather depressed. They only seemed to make him think of all the horrible pain that he has caused her throughout their short marriage.

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