Chapter 9

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The news spread around campus like a wildfire. Everyone knew. How and when it had become public knowledge, she didn't know. She wouldn't have believed it herself if Ginny hadn't told her.

"You're certain?" Hermione frantically asked. "Yes. McGonagall confirmed it after class today."

If the professors were discussing it, it had to be true. Her legs began to move on their own accord. There was only one thought in her mind.

"Hermione!" she shouted. "Where are you going? You'll be late for—" the girl was already all the way down the long corridor. "—charms," she finished, to herself.

"Where's she going?" Harry asked his girlfriend, as he approached her. He then planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Give you one guess."

"Lupin," he said as he shifted his book bag to the other shoulder, making room to carry Ginny's as well. "Come on, I'll walk you to class."


She found herself moving at a speed she did not know she could run. The rate at which she made it to the other side of the school had to be a record. Her side ached with a cramp and she was profoundly out of breath, but her destination was reached.

Standing at the doorway, the distance to his desk was only about twenty feet or so, but at this particular moment, it felt like she was still miles away.

Just the sight of him was almost too much for her to handle. He was tucked away behind his desk, staring out at nothing in particular. He was worried, she could tell that by his stance. His shoulders tense, his jaw locked, while long fingers drummed silently on the mahogany desk. She sighed heavily wanting nothing more than to wrap herself in his arms, bury her face in his chest, and allow herself to burst into tears. The only problem was that she was exhausted, physically and mentally. Everything was an enormous mess and she had no control over any of it. She had never felt so alone. A suffocating reality began closing in on her and she suddenly couldn't breathe.

Her hand was at her chest, clutching her blouse, attempting to loosen her neck tie. Gasps came out as her lungs tried to grab the oxygen from the air around her.

Remus looked up from his desk as he heard the commotion by the door, hearing her small, panicked voice.

"When?" It was the only word she was able to say before she collapsed onto the cold, hard floor of his vast classroom.

He looked to the small handful of students that were already in the classroom, seated, ready to begin class for the day. "Please tell your classmates to read Chapter 12 and to do the activity questions at the back of your book. I've got to take Miss Granger to the hospital wing. Class dismissed. Thank you."


Her eyes fluttered open slowly, taking in her surroundings. The beige stone walls, the beautiful floor to ceiling stain glass windows, the stark white bed sheets that were stiff against her skin—obviously a low thread count, the overpowering smell of disinfectant that burned her nostrils; there was only one place that she could be.

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