Chapter 7

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"How was everyone's holiday? Good, I trust." It had been two weeks since he had last seen his students. He looked out at them, a small smile evident, but not his brightest. His head sifted through the faces, most either not paying attention or engaging in small chit-chat as they caught up with their classmates. He'd allow it for now, as they did just come back from their Christmas break.

His eyes fell on the curly-haired brunette—the wonderful witch who had assisted him in his dire need—just two days before his doomed holiday had began.

"I'm pregnant," she had repeated.

Remus' face was frozen, almost like a statue. He didn't know how to process that kind of information. Whenever they had discussed having children, they had always agreed that it would probably be too risky, that the child could come out different... like him.

"Dora, you—how, when?"

She smiled gently at his dumbfounded look. Shifting her weight onto her other foot, sighing, she answered her husband. "We had our date on the 8th, remember? We don't exactly see each other too terribly often these days."

The wheels in his head seemed to be turning, allowing what she was telling him to sink in. She wasn't very far along then if it was just from the beginning of the month. His face scrunched in concern, "But I thought we had agreed on no children."

She gave him a shrug of her shoulder. "I know, but here we are."

"Here we are," he said quietly, mauling around the idea. "You're most definitely certain?" 

"Yes, doctor confirmed it yesterday."

He nodded, exhaling rather loudly. "I just know I won't make a good father, Dora."

"Yes you will," she said trying to sooth her husband's fears.

"No," he said sharply, "I won't!"

Her eyes burned slightly as the feel of tears threatened to spill over. She stepped back slightly, surprised by his aggression.

"In what world does a werewolf—a killer—make a good father?" "That's not who you are! You are so much more—"

"It is exactly who I am. I already make a lousy husband; I can't father a child," he half shouted. Trying softer, "Tell your friends that I'm sorry," he said. "I—I just have to—have to go, now," and with a small pop, he apparated, leaving her stunned and alone.

"Mine could have been better," the professor announced roughly, attempting to ease the memory of the way he left things with Dora. It had been almost two weeks since he'd seen her, too. The students started to pay more attention to their professor as he spoke of his vacation. "You see, my wife and I met up with some old friends. It never fails, every time we're with them, they bicker, non- stop, it seems. But for some reason this time, we—my wife and I—did."

Hermione's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the couple's argument. She found it a bit odd that he would bring this up, share this intimate information with his students. It puzzled her, yet was strangely thrilling to hear at the same time. It was just a coincidence, she was sure, but it felt like he simply brought it up so that she would be aware.

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