Chapter 2: It Was the Prince?

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A hand came up and pulled me down covering my mouth.

"MHMM HMM MHMM?!?!?!?!" My voice is muffled but I still tryed to speak, to be freed.

"Shut-up!" A soft but intimidating voice hissed into my ear, "and quit squirming."

I was scared for my life, I instinctively stoped talking and moving. No I dont want to die not like this, please not like this. I felt my eyes fill with water, no I cant show weakness, not to someone like this. I tryed to blink away the tears, but a few stray tears slip down my round cheeks.

"Please dont cry im wont hurt you," it was still harsh and soft, but it slightly calmed me down, "that's a good girl, I make sure to reward you after this," when he said this it sounded seductive, then he nibbled on my ear.

"!!!!!!" My body tensed up, what the hell is he doing?!?!

"Dam we lost the basterd again," a voice rang out just outside my window.

"Did you check that house?" Anouther voice rang out.

"Dont bother," wait that one sounds like the man from earlier today, "he's probably long gone by now."

"That spoiled brat," man one said,"guess we should go then."

The mens feet left in a larg heard. The guy holding me down slowly moved his hand away from my mouth as if ready to cup it back up if I made a peep.

"Fwew I think there gone," he theb rolled over laughing, "I did it HA try to find me now."

Looks like he's distracted I slowly scoot away trying to not let him notice me. As soon as i'm a good distance away I start crawling, please dont notice me please dont notice me, is all I can think.

I felt a hand snake around me, no,"Were do you think your going? I promised you a reward didnt I," no.

"Really I didnt hear anything,hahaha," I nervously laugh, darn now he'll definitly know.

"Well I did," no im against his chest again, "you know, your body is actrully very desirable for a maid."

"!!!!" Wait what no, I hug my half naked body and reach for my nightgown.

His head now lays in the crevice of my neack, no stop I dont know who this man is, I dont even know what his face looks like.

Then he lets go, I just sit there shocked, "What?"

"I wont do anything to you," he was now infront of me, "unless you want me too," he pushes me on the ground, and it wasnt nearly the same comfortable feeling like with Max.


"You really are cute, anways here's your reward," he drops a pouch next to me and leaves.

All I can do is sit there like what?!?! I open the pouch to find 40 gold pieces.

WHAT?!?!?! Who goes around with 40 gold peices like nothing and give it all to one person. Could that have been the price.

I put on my night gown and went to my bed.

****Mid Morning****

AHHHH! Oh no I slep in I'll be late for work, nooo! Then I look at my empty lunch basket, oh thats right haha, I have the day off. Thank you, wait what should I do, I never thought of what to do today. Hmmmm, I know I can bring Max lunch, this time we'll both get full servings, yeah thats perfect. Hmm but its not nearly close to noon, what to till then, I guess I could always go to the forest, I havnt been there sense I came to work here.

I grab my robe and left threw the door, wow it's so pretty, I've never seen it outhere this time of day. I skip down the path when a hear a horse winny. Huh? I look around but dont see anything.

"Hey eatch out!" A familiar voice rang out, but for some reason it sent chills down, and not the good kind.

I turn my head and see a dark brown horse racing to me, I was glued to the spot with fear, "I SAID MOVE!!" It was to close to late, the horse came charging, then, whoosh, in one swift movement I was flying?

I opened my eyes that I didnt even know I closed and I was on the back of a horse, what? I tighten my arms around the person infront of me, I was scared, i've never been on a horse before, and its moving so fast. What if I fall off and die, I dont want to die yet.

My arms were starting to feel num but I wouldnt lossen my grip, I hope im not hurting the person helping me.We rode like that for awile before the rider finally comes to stop, and junmps off the horse. Uh...I have no clue what im doing here, I look to both side of me, completely confused.

I look at my hooded 'hero' for help and he just laughs," Never been on a horse, or just like playing damsel in distress," the nerve! I coldly glare at him, "so never been on a horse it is, well your in for a world of hurt." What does that mean?

He offers me his hand and I take it, thats weird this texture feels familiar to me. He helps me off and I soon understand what he means by world of hurt, my thighs are on fire, and my butt is killing me.

"Ow" I acsadently let out and he just smiles at me.

"Told you."

I stare at him, his voice is so familiar to me, why. I wonder what he would do if going for it. I walk up close to him and place my hands on his hood and move it back. As soon i start doing that his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me close.

"!!!!" I bet this would look weird to anybody, my arms where around his neck and he was holding me so close. I look at his face, it was gorgeous, his eyes were a bright blue and his hair a jet black. His lips were perfect size for a guy. He looked familiar yet a complet stranger.

"Awe im sad babe you dont remember me," he leans over and nibbles on my ear and suddenly I remember who he was.

*Slap!* I slapped him as hard as I could, he assulted me twice.

"Heh I've never had that response before," he touched his check, "there will probably be a bruise there tomorrow, and here I thought you were giving me a reward for saving you.

"How improper of you, let me go!" I try pushing him away but his grip holds tight, "I said let me go!!!"

"Your somehow even cuter angry," he moves his face closer to mine and my heart is racing faster than a horse.

"N-n-no" I finally say with my nerves I am so flustered.

"Who new you could make so many cute faces in just a little amount of time, but are you sure you want me to stop, that answer wasnt that confident."

"!!!" I stare at him, "O-of course I do l-le-leave me be."

He lets me go for a second but takes my cloak and throws his off into a hidden bush, then he pushes me into a tree and roughly presses his lips to mine.

"!!!!" What the hell, I want to resist so badly but my body felt limp and my sight felt hazy, this couldn't be the effect he was having on me, it was different.

I see a fuzzy white thing molded tofether with a blue suit thing ride by before I black out.

"Hey what happened, you okay hey open your eyes," that was the last thing I heard before I fully slipped into cold quite darkness.

THE END......JK JK its not the end yet u sillys, I have to make u attached first dur XD. Hehe the prince, he's differnt from Max isnt he,hehehehehe. Who would you chose?

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