Chapter 3: It Was A Farmboy Kiss

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I wake up in my bed, my skin felt like it was on fire, and the sheets were wet with my sweat, ewwe. I look around, wait when did I come back home, I swear that I was walking to the woods just awhile earlier, weird. Looking out the window I could tell it was about noom, ahh no. I promised myself i'd make Max lunch, I better hurry, I never break my promises even ones to myself. I rolled over in my bed, my legs were hanging over the bed. I slipped off and collapsed, I must have been dormant longer than I thought. I pick myself up, my legs feel to wobbly, oh well, I walk over to the small counter and prepair two sandwiches, some apple slices, and grapes. I place them in my covered basket and walk out the door waving back to Shasta.

"Ill be back in a coupld hours."

I start walking down the path leading towards the orchards, with every step the sweet smell of the crisp apples engulf my nostrils. I wonder if Max will mind me bringging him lunch, wait what if he already took his lunch break, I'll just be a bother. Well the only way to find out is to go visit and find out.

Reaching the orchard the side im at the apples haven't been harvested yet, and they shined brilliant red reflecting the sunlight. I wonder where he is, it will take me forever to find just one individual person, these orchard are huge. Just then I see a man walk over with a counting dial in his hands, he kind of looks like Ralph from yesterday, I bet he can tell me were to find Max.

"Um...excuse me, I dont mean to be a bother, but are you by any chance Ralph? " I walk up to him warily.

"That is I," he responded kindly and turned to my direction, "and hoe may I help a pretty little flower like you," his strait forward complement made me blush.

"Oh, I was, um, do you know were I could find Max?" I looked shyly at the ground, "i've made him lunch if that's okay."

"Heh makes sense you're looking for him, its not fair, he got to sweep you up before anyone else got a chance," Ralph smiles kindly at me with a small laugh," he's just a few rows up, im sure if you call for him he'll come running," he pointed to the left and I nod and walked off in that direction.

Hmm I wonder what he ment by that,he got to sweep you up before anyone else a got a chance, hmm, oh well. I walk over in the direction which Ralph pointed out to me. Hey is that him over there, he was carrying a big barrel full of apples. His muscles were bulging, there was sweat dripping from his brow, I had no idea he was that strong.

"Hey Max!" I pick up my pace as I wave to him, he looks confused but soon he puts on his big happy smile.

While runing I trip on a root from on of the trees and go tumbling towards his chest. I fall into him making him drop the barrel of apples and catch me, making all of the apples fall to the ground.

"You really should be more careful," I look up at him he's smiling widely, but still I feel guilty.

I bend down and start picking up apples with him," I'm so sorry, I really am to clumsy."

"Hey, it's fine, i'm happy to help you out," he really is to kind to me, "beside it's always nice seeing you, that reminds me, why did you come by?"

Looking up at him I smile, "Well yesterday I saw how hungry you were, so I kinda um," why am I getting so flustered," I made you lunch."

"Really?" I just nod, he pulls my face up gently so our eyes are lock,"thank you," I just smile and blush," I'll take my break after I put these with the other batch."

We stand up at the same time, causeing us to bonk heads. I walk beside him as he carries the heavy looking barrel, gosh I would never be able to do his job, I would have to be so strong. He places the barrel of apples with about five other ones. Then we walk off to the spot we were at last time, it's really gorgeous here, I didn't notice the first time. There was this big flat rock that moss and vines were growning on. There was a slow moving river nearby, the water sparkled in the sunlight, and the trees casted just the perfect shadow. It was kinda romantic, hahahahaha, I shouldn't think of such things.

"Hey," I open my eyes to see Max's face close, to mine, very,very close to mine, "hey Anya you okay?"

"Hmm yeah im fine, hahaha," I laugh nervously, I cant be in this situation after what I just thought.

"You sure? Your face is bright red now," no I must have been blushing.

"Haha im fine, just a little flushed from this heat," it was parshly true, it was super hot out today, then I hear his belly grumble," how bout we eat so your stumic doesn't eat itself," I giggle and sit down leaning my back on the rock.

As I unpack the food I notice Max starring at me, me being the akward person I am just try to ignore it.

"Um Anya?"

"Yeah?" I look at him questionably.

"Do you um mind if I..." his hands where at the bottom hem of his sweat soaking shirt.

"Oh um no, it's really hot out, and, yeah," I can understand why he would want to, if I was I guy i'd do the same, but im a lady, and thats very improper.

"Thanks," his face was slightly red, im not sure if thats from working in the sun for so long, or embarrassment.

He lifted up his shirt and all I could do was stare, his entire body was tanned, well at least the parts I could see. His muscles were evident, what else could I do but stare. He walked over to the stream and drenched his shirt in it. Thats when I got a devilish idea, I sneaked over and pushed him into the gleaming water, but not before he could grab my wrist and pull me down with him. I was sitting next to him soaked, but the cool water felt refreshing compared to the harsh ponding of the suns rays.

"Thats not fair, you were sopposed to be the only one who got wet," I jokingly glare and we both start laughing hastaricly, well at least I made it less awkward.

Then Max pulled me into a hug, his body was warm as always, and comfortable. When he realised all I could do was stare at his beautiful eyes, I could loose myself in them. My chin was pulled up and then his lips were lightly pushed into mine. It wasn't at all like when the creep kissed me, this was tender, timid, and most of all it made me want more. My heart was punding, the kiss probably only lasted a couple seconds, but it felt like forever. Why was a suddenly feeling this way about him, Max has always been a brotherly figuee in my life. I just stared at him, when my legs gave out again. Dam, I try to pick myself up, but my legs are so weak,

"Anya?!" I look at Max, his faxe showed utter concern, "Anya are you okay?!? Hey say something!"

He dragged me out of the water and layed me down in the soft grassy ground. He looks really concerned, its kinda cute look on him. He places his larg palm on my forehead.

"Your head feels like fire, I better get you home," he cups me up in his arms.

"N-no!" I scrable around in his arms,"We didn't eveb touch lunch yet," I continue to squirm but it doesnt faz him.

His arms tighten,"Anya stop it! if you really want to eat lunch so badly we'll eat it at your house."

"Fine then, but I can walk on my own," I push myself away and try walking, but my wobbly legs give out again.

"Anya, please let me help you," his face was close to mine, it had this sad little puppy expression on it, how am I sopposed to fight with a face like that.

"Fine," I gave in and let him carry me bridal style home.

Its weird but for some reason I feel like we are newly weds, is that weird. Eventually I fall asleep in his strong arms listening to the steady beat of his heart.

Soooooo I wobt publish another chapter probably for awhile, so I want your opinions. Who do like beter, the Prince (who is yet to be named) or Max. I really would like to know.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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