Chaper 6. Playing the hero

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"If you keep your phone connected to any numbers, you will hear the beeping sound when the monster is nearby."

I stared at my phone, remembering the times I've heard the beeps as I've tried to call my parents. Even when the apartment was taken over, I still remembered to take the time to call them in hopes of one of them will answer my call.

'My parents...I was supposed to call dad the day it all started. Where could he be now?'

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Hyun, who was staring at me with a worried expression on his face.
I gave him a small smile and shook my head "I'm okay, Hyun. Don't worry about me." I answered.

The brunette nodded, still looking worried before he brought his attention to the shriveled up monster that laid on his bed, making me look at it too.
Once we leave, there will be more of these things out there. I've had close encounters with them before while scavenging, but it's different when you know you're going to be up close and personal.

As soon as Hyun and I were ready, I took a deep breath and exited the apartment as quietly as possible, sticking closer to Hyun than usual.

Hyun's POV
As I took in my surroundings, I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I looked upon the scene before me.

It terrified me.

Blood stained the floor and walls everywhere, and it didn't get any better the further you walked.
Doors were wide open, some were even smashed in from what I could imagine was from a monster trying to get it's next meal.

Soon, I felt a hand grab mine, making me jump and quickly turn before being met with (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N)..." I muttered, the (S/C) girl offered me a comforting smile.
I suddenly felt awful at the realization of her being alone this entire time, how did she handle seeing this all unravel?
How much death has she seen while I stayed blissfully unaware of the world crumbling down as she cared and protected me?

"Let's keep going okay, Hyun?" She urged, giving my hand a light squeeze.

I felt my face heat up as I nodded, quickly looking away to avoid her seeing how red my face was getting.

'Ugh...why am I like this? I feel like some dumb kid..'

"I T    W A S    N I C E    T O    S T A Y        W A R M   A T   H O M E  W H I L E  (Y/N)   B A B I E D   Y O U,   R I G H T ?"

I felt my entire body tense up as I heard that voice again, feeling a shudder go through my entire body as I suddenly began to feel paranoid.
Dreading the thought of running into a monster who would be ready to kill us at any moment.

"Y O U ' L L   S O O N  B E  D E A D."

My grip on (Y/N)'s hand tightened as we hurried down the hall, checking for any monsters first before quietly making our way towards the door that should be the man's apartment, knocking as quietly as possible.

"It's open."

(Y/N) and I looked at each other in surprise before slowly entering the room. I closed the door behind us as we both let breathes that we were holding.

"Are you feeling dizzy?"

I look up, my eyes widening slightly at the man before me.

The man looked like he could be in his mid 40's, he was a big man with short, dark brown hair and some stubble. He looked like he could be any normal man, except the thing that stood out the most was that he was in a wheelchair, one of his pant legs rolled up where a leg was supposed to be.

Attached: Sweet Home fanfiction (Hyun Cha x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now