Chapter 9. Transformation

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3rd Person POV

It all happened so fast.

A sharp, throbbing pain spread from his head straight to his chest, his eyes tinting red as they widened from the excruciating pain getting worse, causing (Y/N) to notice as Hyun stopped abruptly to grip at his chest.

"Hyun what's wrong??" She asked, looking distressed as she began searching his body for anything that would be causing this much pain.

Only she couldn't find anything, she looked up to ask the brunette what could be causing his pain before suddenly losing her ability to speak, noticing the concerning amount of blood spouting from his nose, along with his pink eyes staring at her own (E/C) ones.

"He's infected."

Hyun quickly pushed her away as he moved closer to the wall, trying his best to distance himself from (Y/N) and the kids.

"G-Go ahead first..!" He choked out, hunching over in pain "Get...away from me!"

(Y/N) began to tremble at the sight, everything finally making sense as she put the pieces together.
She outstretched her arm to him "Hyun-"

She began, only for Hyun to whip around and push her away more aggressively "HURRY!!" He roared, causing (Y/N) to jump back in fear.

(Y/N) had to act fast, as must as she hated it, she forced herself to usher the kids up the stairs, not looking back.

"D O  Y O U  W A N T  T O  P L A Y 
T H E  H E R O ,"

The voiced started, causing Hyun to shut his eyes and put his weight on his weapon.

His vision turning red as he watched (Y/N) usher the kids upstairs. Though, he noticed something fall from her eyes as she ran up those stairs.


"I N  F R O N T  O F  T H O S E 
W H O  A R E  W E A K E R  T H A N 
Y O U ?"

Hyun trembled, his legs feeling weaker and weaker by the second, wanting to give out and crumple into a ball from the pain.

"R I G H T , Y O U  W E R E  A 
G O O D  B O Y  O N C E."

"I  C A N  M A K E  Y O U  A 
R E A L  H E R O."

Hyun suddenly opened his eyes, and looked around, noticing he was in what looked like his own mind.
He then looked forward, where a giant, cancerous looking lump of flesh was staring at him.

"N O W...T E L L  M E  W H A T  Y O U 
W A N T."

(Y/N) stayed at the top of the stairwell, pacing as her mind raced with thoughts and what she would say to Hyun once they reached Dusik's apartment.

What WOULD she say? What would their next move be?

Her heart ached at the thought of putting Hyun down, she wouldn't be able to do it, and she doubts Dusik would either.

Soon, a loud crash was heard coming from the stairwell, causing her and the kids to jump.

"W-What was that..?" Sook whimpered, holding Yeong as she looked at (Y/N).

"Stay here, and DON'T MOVE." She commanded, before hurrying down one flight of stairs and peeking over the edge.

"Hyun?" She called out, expecting to see just Hyun looking up at her, only to be met with Hyun's dark eyes and two giant, black holes staring at her.

Her stomach dropped at the sight of the buff monster.


It groaned, almost excitedly at the sight of Hyun and (Y/N) as it threw the first punch, causing Hyun to dodge and fall down the next flight of stairs.

"Hyun!" (Y/N) screamed, quickly readying her staff to fight.

Hyun quickly sat up as he watched the monster begin ascending the stairs towards (Y/N), causing his heart to sink.
He knew she saw what that thing did to the stairs, but he also knew that wouldn't stop her from attacking in order to protect him.

"HEY!!" He screamed, causing the monster to stop in its tracks and look at him, a smirk finding its way onto his face.

"Picking on a defenseless girl now?" He asked "Now that you got some muscles, do you want to show off your strength?" The monster now has his full attention on him.

"You're nothing but a skinny piece of shit." He insulted, causing the smile on the monster's face to immediately turn into an aggressive smile and jump over the railing and crash into the ground.

"HYUN RUN!!" Screamed (Y/N), causing Hyun to snap out of his fearful daze and barely dodge an incoming fist.

The two ran into the opposite direction of each other, parting ways.

Attached: Sweet Home fanfiction (Hyun Cha x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now