Chapter 1: Twisted Affinity

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Revchi laughed.

The 4 boys were already captured. Yuno and Elias were stuck in the former magic knight's chains, unable to do anything.

Their adopted brother, Asta was laying against a wall, defeated. Crushed.

"You really are the lowest of the lows! If I were someone like you, I'd have killed myself by now! Haha!"

His laughter was deafening.

Purely and simply evil.

"Asta! What the hell are you doing? You're my rival right?!" Yuno yelled, inspiring him.

Suddenly... something in the air changed.

An odd sensation quenched the feelings already present. It was... a shadow, almost. A blanket of raw power.

A grimoire floated beside Asta.

"I'm sorry... that you had to see me like this..." A sword handle could be seen coming out of the tattered book.

The silver haired orphan pulled out the sword. It was massive. Truly and utterly huge, but because of his training, Asta was able to wield it normally.

He leaped forward, slashing at the man responsible for his beating. The chains were sliced apart like butter. The fallen knight backed away in fear, witnessing the sudden event transpiring before him.

"B-but how?! S-someone like you should be cowering before me! How could you...?" And he was knocked out by the blade.

"Of course..." Elias said slowly.

"How could you not get a grimoire?" Yuno finished.

The three kids walked off into the sunset, pleased that events turned out the way they did.

1 of the three was different. Yuno and Asta were dead set of becoming the wizard king. Elias didn't much care for that. All he really cared about was finding his parents. He remembered their faces clearly. His mother had starry eyes, and beautiful purple hair. His father was a tall blonde with similar eyes.

Finding them was his goal. His only goal. He only decided to take the magic knight's exam to get money and find his parents. He assumed they lived at least in the commons due to his memories of his house. Also, he was just following Asta and Yuno.

The issue, was that he was extremely powerful. The grimoire ceremony made that very clear. Elias already knew he had an affinity for time and space, but the magnitude of his mana was demonstrated when the grimoire presented itself.

Flashback to 2 hours prior

When Yuno received his, it was pretty spectacular. Everyone was filled with 'ooh's and 'aah's when they saw it was a four leafed grimoire. Elias was bored, but was a bit impressed with his brother.

Suddenly, an even brighter glow engulfed the building. An orange grimoire floated down in front of Elias. Everyone could see it.

Another 4 leaf.

Two peasants received 4 leaf clover grimoires.

When he grabbed the book out of the air, something happened. A black glow erupted, overtaking much of the orange hue that was emitted previously.

Then another weird thing occurred.

The 4 leaf clover changed. Two of the leafs spread apart, and another grew in between.

A 5 leaf clover appeared.

Back to Present Time

The three were pretty happy. They all received powerful grimoires.

"Hey guys! Wanna race back to the church?" Asta challenged

"You're on!/no" Elias and Yuno spoke together.

"What? Why not?" Asta was confused. Normally Elias loved racing.

"Well, you see Asta, I've been reading through my grimoire looking at spells, and it would simply be too easy." He responded, smirking.

"What?! That's a load of crap! Prove it!"

"Fine. Time Magic: Temporum Silence!"

The two other boys stood in shock as their brother disappeared in front of their eyes. Little did they know, Elias was already at the church, sitting on the roof.

Sister Lily walked out just after Elias arrived. She saw the dim shadow of his dangling legs and looked up to face him.

"Hey! You're back already?" She asked.

"Yeah, we decided to race. I suppose I won."

"Yes, it appears that way. Well, I'll be preparing dinner. Make sure their back on time please." She said, giggling a bit.

"Will do, Sister!"

It took about 40 seconds for his brothers to return. He was checking his watch while waiting for them. When they arrived, they were panting heavily.

Yuno got second place, and Asta got 3rd.

"What the heck?! How did you get here so fast?!" Asta asked. His eyes were practically twinkling in curiosity.

"I control time, so I stopped it and ran home."

"That's way to powerful, Eli!"

"Hehe, yup!"

Dinner went by nicely, and the three brothers got to display their grimoires to the rest of the kids. Nash, Lily, and Orsi were all super surprised when they saw that Asta had a grimoire.

The months before the magic knight's exam were pretty hectic. They spent all of their time training. It was quite beneficial. Elias was able to cook up a number of spells. They were all powerful.

Elias's Spells

Time Magic: Temporum Shift
Slows down time for everything but himself by 75%
Uses a medium amount of mana

Time Magic: Temporum Silence
Stops time completely for everything but himself
Uses a huge amount of mana

Time Magic: Temporum Paradox
Reverses time for everything but himself
Mana consumption depends on how far he reverses time.

Time Magic: Temporum Redux
Reverses spells to before they were casted but the caster still uses mana
Uses a small amount of mana

Time Binding Magic: Temporum Stasis
Stops time for induvidual people, locking them in place
Uses a small amount of mana

Spacial Magic: Nexus Erasure
Moves anything physical that the spell touches into Elias's personal pocket dimension which he calls the nexus. This includes humans and spells. The dimension is similar to Dorothy's dream world. Anything hit by the spell in the nexus is erased from existence.
Uses a small amount of mana

Spacial Magic: Nexus Transport
Create's a portal to anywhere Elias has been, or to the nexus. Anything can go through it, including spells.
Uses a small amount of mana

Twisted Magic: Temporun Erasure
Creates far more individual erasure spells, speeds up time by 75% on them, and fires them in rapid succession, at almost blinding speeds.
Uses a large amount of mana

Sooner or later, it was time to go to the exam. There were tears shed by Father Orsi as the three left for the main kingdom.

What will be in store for the three? Only time will tell...

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