♥♥♥ Bucky Barnes X Diana Rogers ♥♥♥

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Shortly after Steve and Tony's talk about Tony and Sam both wanting to ask Diana out and had both started a competition about who would win her over first Stv gathred them both and led thm to the living room where everyone else were ready for a movie night along with Diana who were already laying on the sofa with Diana laying her head om Bucky's chest whil his arms hugged her close as his metal arm held her hand while his flesh arm was wrapped tightly around her waist

Sam: okay, i think i'm gonna withdraw from the competition.
Steve smiles and nods satisfied with what Sam said.
Tony: Seriously, well that means i win and you lose Sam.
Sam: i rather lose to you then face either Steve or Bucky's bad side and did i mention i dont want to get hit by his metal arm?

Meanwhile Diana brings Bucky's metal hand up to hr cheek and closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of bing this close to her best friend

Bucky: *smiles as metal thumb starts to stroke her cheek* isn't it to cold? *asks a little worried*

Diana: I feel it warm J *says as she looks up at him with half open eyes, that showed how much she enjoyed being in this position with him*

Bucky: *smiles back* that's good. *says enjoying having her close to him as well*

Diana then giggles as Natasha ickls her side a bit before sitting down next to thm on th ground with Wanda

Wanda: were not interrupting anything are we? *asks teasingly looking at Bucky and Diana*

Diana: No because tonight is family night I spend it with all of you

Wanda: duh, Ah family night...
Natasha: who doesn't love spending time with their family.
Bucky: that's the first time i hear you call us family Nat.
Natasha: oh be quiet.

Diana: Yeah. Like it or not these two are my sisters and tomorow is our weekly girls night out

Wanda: oh i already can't wait, its always such a blast with you two. *says with a grin*
Bucky: so i noticed.

Diana: However I was thinking .... can we maybe have the whole team come with us to a concert this time?

Natasha and Wanda share looks with each other before looking back at Diana.
Wanda: what kind is it? *asks curious*
Natasha: and where?

Diana: Well, the concert is a charity actually

Bucky: well count me and steve in for sure.
Natasha: me and wanda are in as well.
Wanda: the others are welcome to join.

Diana: Thank you guys *says as she smiles warmly at the girls before pressing her lips to Bucky's cheek*

the girls and Bucky smile back and said male also blushes lightly
meanwhile Steve and Sam walk over leaving Tony standing by himself.
Sam: mind if we join as well? Oh and talking about joining concider me there.
Steve: and just so you know we heard you talking about that concert.

Diana: Is there anything you can't hear really my dear brother?

Steve: Nope, i hear everything.
Bucky: everything you want to don't forget to mention that. *jokes*

Diana only giggled inn return before she felt a warm blanket being layed over her back by Clint who had already passed the rest of the blankets to the team

everyone thanks Clint for the blankets.
Bruce: has anyone looked for the snacks yet? *asks while looking around at everyone*

Thor then comes in with the food and drinks while Diana snuggles up even more against Bucky's body

Thor: did someone say snacks? *says with a grin*
Sam: count on the god to bring the snacks.
Bucky continues to smile as he tightens his grip around her

Sebastian Stan X OC (Diana) Imagines and One-shots BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now