♥♥♥ Bucky Barnes X Diana: Unexpected Surprises ♥♥♥

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~*~ Avengers Compound Kitchen, Morning ~*~

Bucky Barnes walks into the kitchen, his metal arm gleaming slightly in the morning light as he takes in the scene. Sam Wilson is leaning against the counter, smirking as Steve Rogers looks on with amusement. Sam is clearly in the middle of bragging.

Sam: (grinning) "I'm telling you, Steve. I bet I could ask Diana out to the movies, and she'd say yes in a heartbeat. No way she's turning down all this charm."

Steve: (chuckling) "I don't know, Sam. She's not exactly an easy one to impress."

Bucky's expression darkens as he approaches the coffee machine. He glances at Sam, unimpressed, and crosses his arms.

Bucky: (calmly) "You're dreaming, Wilson. Diana's not going out with you. She's not interested."

Sam: (raising an eyebrow) "Oh yeah? What makes you so sure, Barnes? You think you know her better than I do?"

Bucky: (smirking) "Yeah, actually, I do."

Sam narrows his eyes, clearly getting a bit more competitive. Steve stays out of it, quietly watching the exchange unfold.

Sam: "Alright, tough guy, let's make a bet. If I ask her out right now, and she says yes, you owe me—"

Before Sam can finish, the door opens, and Diana walks in, wearing a casual outfit. She's glowing, though there's a slight visible curve to her belly, a sign of her pregnancy, though not yet noticeable to the others. She heads to the counter, oblivious to the brewing tension.

Diana: (grabbing a mug) "Morning, guys."

Sam straightens up, flashing his trademark smile, clearly ready to make his move. He sidesteps over to Diana, leaning on the counter next to her.

Sam: "Hey, Diana. I was just telling these two that we should catch a movie together sometime. What do you say?"

Diana pauses, turning to look at Sam with a slight smile. But before she can answer, her eyes flick to Bucky, who gives her a knowing, almost amused look. She takes a sip of her coffee and shakes her head.

Diana: (smirking) "Sorry, Sam, but I already have a date."

Sam blinks, his confidence faltering just a bit.

Sam: "Oh. Well, who's the lucky guy?"

Instead of answering, Diana walks over to Bucky, setting her coffee mug down. She places her hand on his chest and pulls him down for a gentle kiss on the mouth. Bucky, without hesitation, kisses her back with a soft smile on his face. Steve's eyes widen in surprise, while Sam's jaw practically hits the floor.

Bucky pulls away slightly, his hand resting protectively on her lower back, and then he bends down, pressing a tender kiss to her belly. The small but noticeable bump is enough for both Steve and Sam to connect the dots. Bucky straightens, still holding Diana close.

Bucky: (softly to Diana) "I'll pull the car around. You should go shower. We've got that appointment."

Diana: (smiling warmly) "Thanks, James. I won't be long."

Bucky gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before heading out, leaving a stunned Steve and Sam behind. Diana glances back at the two of them, sipping her coffee like nothing out of the ordinary just happened.

Sam: (still in shock) "Wait... you and Barnes?"

Diana: (grinning) "Six months now. And I think you can figure out the rest."

Steve chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief, while Sam just stares, dumbfounded.

Steve: (teasing) "Guess you owe Bucky that bet, Sam."

Sam: (groaning) "Man... I did not see that coming."

Diana finishes her coffee and gives them a wink before heading out to follow Bucky, leaving Sam and Steve alone in the kitchen, still processing what just happened.

Steve: (patting Sam on the shoulder) "Better luck next time, Sam."

Sam shakes his head, still bewildered.

Sam: (muttering) "Barnes. Of all people..."

Sebastian Stan X OC (Diana) Imagines and One-shots BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now