Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

<Gavin Forrester>

In the moment I don't think about all the people that will be effected once I pull the trigger. I don't really think about anything as a matter of fact. The only thing I focus on is the money and the victim that will bring me it. This case is no different. My boss just gave me a file with the person's name and location in it and told me to not come back unless the person was dead.

I position my sniper rifle right at the door of the doctor's building where my next victim works. My finger hovers over the trigger as I wait for him to exit the building. His file says that he usually leaves the building around 3 o'clock which was fifteen minutes ago.

I pull up the bandana around my mouth and put on my aviator sunglasses. The sun is barely visible in the sky because of the dark clouds but it's always safer for me to hide my features should anyone catch my figure on camera.

I squat lower and squint at the people who are walking out of the building. My victim isn't one of them.

Damn it...

I let out an exasperated breath and wait for the next wave of people to come out. I look through my sights again to make sure the shot is still in the correct position. A man with half a head of gray hair walks out of the doctor's building. An old flip phone is plastered to the side of his head and he looks scared out of his mind.

My target runs a sweaty hand over his mostly bald head as he shouts into his phone. I line up the shot and allow my finger to hover over the trigger. The man is looking frantically around the busy streets and for a millisecond I think he might've seen me but that won't matter the minute I pull the trigger.

I take deep breath and check my shot one last time. I only like to take one shot at my victims, more would draw unneeded attention and with the way I shoot one is usually enough. The cold metal of the trigger hits my finger and I prepare myself to end another life. The man continues to look around and for a second I feel a bit of regret for what I am about to do.

I always get this way before I pull the trigger. I think about their families and all of the pain I'm going to cause them but in the end I choose to not get attached. It makes it easier on everyone.

One more breath and then it's lights out.

I take in a deep breath and bring my finger back hard on the trigger. My eyes follow the bullet all the way to the man. I hit the ground the minute I hear the impact. The shock and screams of all the passerby tell me that I've hit my target. I hear the man's body drop to the ground and that's my signal to go back into the abandoned warehouse where I've set up my equipment.

I unload the gun and toss it into my bag along with my leather jacket, bandana and aviators. I run my fingers through my hair, a satisfied smile crossing my lips. I change into a pair of blue jeans and a gray t-shirt, making me look less guilty than my black jeans and t-shirt did. I put on a black Special Ops hat and pick up my bag from the floor.

Time to go report back to boss.

I hop down the back steps two at a time while pulling my car keys out of the front pocket of my jeans. I toss my bag into the back seat of the car and stuff the keys into the ignition. The engine comes to life and I begin to drive down an inconspicuous back road towards the building where my boss works. A rock song blares through the stereo and I turn it up until I can hear no other noise but the harsh guitar solo.


"Name and business." The guard at the entrance of my boss's office says as I drive up.

"Gavin Forrester, I'm here to see Talon Tenebris." I glare at the guard as he opens the gate.

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