Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

<Gavin Forrester>

Carter is a drug dealer...He must've been talking to his boss yesterday. Should I confront him with what I know? No, I've had way too much confrontation for a lifetime lately and I have a feeling that he won't give me what I want like Talon did. I open my eyes slowly and look at the time.

10:00 AM

I groan and push back my comforter, stepping onto the cold hardwood of my bedroom floor. Rubbing my eyes, I grab some clothes from my dresser and go into the bathroom to get dressed. I pull on my jeans, t-shirt and hoodie. I brush my teeth and try to calm down my mental war while I stare in the mirror.

I should at least tell Victoria that she's being watched. Maybe I should just tell her everything? Then it'd be out in the open. I mean, I'd never tell her about the plot to murder her but maybe I should tell her about Carter's little side job.

I could always confront Carter and make him tell me his story before I go tell his fiancée. I mean it's not the first time Talon would've given me misinformation and his latest story doesn't have a very truthful ring to it. It sounds more like a cover up.

I sigh and walk back out into my bedroom. I grab my phone and text Victoria that I'm leaving and I'll come pick her up at Grand Central around noon. She responds with and 'okay' and I grab my car keys.

I take the elevator down to the parking garage and catch sight of my beautiful black Ferrari. I smile and unlock it, slipping slowly inside. I pull out of my park and drive the familiar route to Grand Central Station. Victoria is waiting outside today and hops into the front seat of my car. She doesn't say anything, probably still feeling awkward from what happened with us a few days ago. I shrug it off and drive towards Brooklyn where Coney Island is.

Victoria stays silent the whole ride and opens up her door the minute we get to Coney Island. She won't even let me open up her door for her, what did I do? I grab her arm before she can go off to the ticket booth for Deno's. She tries to wriggle free of my grab but I hold her arm tight.

"Victoria, what did I do to you?" I narrow my eyes and watch as she lets out a sigh.

"Gavin, I'm just upset." She bites her lip and doesn't meet my eyes.

"Is it because of what I told you a few days ago?" I ask solemnly and let go of her arm as I lean up against my car.

She nods and my heart sinks a little. This is why I don't do love.

"I just, I love you too, Gavin but I know I'm lying to myself if I think there's ever any chance of us being together. In two months I'm going to be married to Carter and you're going to be free. You can go find someone else who can love you way more than I'll be able to." Victoria hangs her head and I pull her into my arms.

"Victoria, I don't want anyone but you and I know I'm lying to myself but love isn't just something where you can pick and choose...It's something you feel and no matter how many times you tell me you can't love me, I'll still love you. Do you understand?" I ask her and run my fingers through her long, brown hair.

"Gavin, I just wish I could love you without everything that's standing in our way." She whispers.

"Love would be no fun if it was easy..." I state simply and let go of her.

"Are you sure all of these obstacles are worth your time?" She tilts her head and I smirk.

"No, but you sure as hell are." I wink and grab her hand, she doesn't protest or let go of it.

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