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Elina's pov: Summer flew by very fast and before the girls knew it, it was already school time. Chaeyoung flew back to Chicago leaving the girls

Tzuyu's pov: I laugh at my unnie's response and turn of my phone

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Tzuyu's pov: I laugh at my unnie's response and turn of my phone. Even thought she's 4 months older than me she acts like she's 4 years younger. I jogged down the stairs and plumped myself on the couch to watch some Netflix

Last day of summer for Tzuyu rolled really fast. Before she even realised it, it was already 8.30 pm

I look at my phone and can't believe it's already night time. I did nothing all day. I walk back to my room to change into my pajamas since I need to wake up early tomorrow. After changing I lay on my bed and start scrolling through instagram when Chae texts me

I throw my phone on my night stand and close my eyes to relax and get strength for tomorrow

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I throw my phone on my night stand and close my eyes to relax and get strength for tomorrow

{The next day}

Tzuyu alarms goes off at 7 o'clock

Tz: I'll freaking eat you for breakfast when the school year ends

Tzuyu mutters to herself as she turns off her alarm. She gets up and goes in the bathroom to wash her face

What does one completely new person wear on their first day of school? Thank god I have plenty of new outfits thanks to Chaeyoung always. I take out a white top with a red skirt that I think will be pretty good for today

 I take out a white top with a red skirt that I think will be pretty good for today

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