Why the Black and White?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or any of it's charcter's. All rights are to their respectful owners.

Maka's P.O.V

I open my eyes groggily as my alarm clock goes off. I sit up and swing my legs off the edge of my bed, turning off the alarm. I yawn and stretch my arms above my head before dropping them to my side with a determined smile on my face. Today is the first day I'll get to return to school after the battle with the Keishin. I won't let anything ruin this day.

I get off my bed and hastily make it. I walk out of my room and down the hallway to Soul's door. I knock on it and wait a few moments before I shout.

"Soul! Come on! It's time to get ready for school!" I shout. With no reply I uncertainly open Soul's door and walk inside. I stand above his sleeping face and shake my head as drool slowly drips in and out of his mouth. I sigh.

"Come on Soul!" I shout and I slap his cheek repeatedly, gently at first, slapping him harder with every hit. Soul groans and opens his eyes. He grabs my wrist as I'm about to slap him again and frowns at me.

"I'm up Maka geez." I snatch my wrist back, and start to walk out the door. I stop just outside of his room and turn back to him. Soul's sitting up and scratching the back of his head, staring at me with his ruby eyes.

"What are you staring at?!" I ask shortly.

"Nothin'. Nice pajama's." Soul says, smiling slightly. I feel my face burn as I turn crimson. I look down at my attire flustered and realize I hadn't changed yet.

"S-Shut up S-Soul." I stutter.

"I mean, come on. Yellow! That's so boring! It reflects your personality perfectly!" Soul says as he throws his head back laughing. I look down at the ground, my face shadowed by my bangs.

"Maka.... CHOP!" I yell, hitting Soul square on the head with a book. I look at Soul as he lays face first on his bed with a book-shaped hole in his head. I smile at my revenge and walk back to my room, shutting the door and dressing for the day.

I dress in my usual attire, a white longsleeved shirt under a yellow vest and a red plaid skirt to go with it. I put on my white and green tie and my black cape last. I head to the kitchen and start to make breakfast for Soul and I. I decide on the usual, toast and eggs. I put four peices of bread into the toaster and am starting to scramble the eggs when Soul comes out of his room, rubbing his head and wincing. He's wearing his usual orange and black signature hoodie, red jeans, and his E-A-T headband.

"Good morning Soul! Breakfast is ready!" I say smiling as I grab the toast and put two peices on each plate along with some eggs. I set the plates down on the table and site in a chair, eating quickly.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't see what's so good about today. And you burnt the toast... again." He complains as he sits down to eat. I glare at Soul but brush it off with a sigh.

"If you're going to complain about it then make breafast for yourself for a change." I say and get out of my chair to brush my teeth in our, unfortunately shared bathroom. Soul comes in a few minnutes later as I'm brushing my hair. I carefully put my hair into pigtails and smile at my reflection, satisfied. Soul recklessly combs through his hair and turns to me, grinning with his pointed teeth.

"Cute." He says playing with one of my pigtails, twirling the hair around his finger. I blush and step back nervously.

"W-We're going to be l-late for school." I say and hurriedly rush out of the bathroom and to our apartment door. I grab my boots and pull them on, waiting for Soul to do the same. We go outside and ride his motorcycle to the DWMA. Why did Soul just- nevermind that. I can't wait until I can see the rest of my friends again.

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