Chapter 10: The Future

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Ron Weasley sat on a bench in the improved garden of his family.

He tapped his foot on the floor, waiting impatiently.

Had Harry and Hermione forgotten that they had a group meeting today, to go shopping in Diagon Alley?

It had been Ron's idea.
Honestly, he just wanted to see Harry's face, when he saw that his vault had more money.

Ron wanted more money.
He craved it.
He just couldn't understand, why that filthy mudblood got some, too.
She was under the Imperius, for heavens sake.

Raindrops began to pitter-patter on the bench and on Ron.
He groaned.

Where was Hermione?
Hermione Granger sat on her bed, in the improved house of the Weasley's.

She did remember Ron's meeting, but a memory was flashing inside of her head, since three or four days.

It was her, seeing Harry in the train, watching Harry, as he levitated his trunk out of the compartment, where she met Ron.
Their eyes met, and they mesmerized her. Such an intense green...
Harry shook his head, trying to focus again, and went past her, without sparing her another glance.

And the memory ended.

Rain started splashing against the window, and Hermione stood up, went to the window and tried to remember what she had done at that magic school.

What was its name?
Hog- Hig... Pigfarts?
No.. Higwarts... no.... Hogwarts?
Yeah, Hogwarts!

She stared into the grey, clouded sky. How had she forgotten the name of the school, she apparently went to seven years?

All she remembered, was that she was a smart girl, back in fourth grade, until a white bearded man showed up at her house and said:
"Imperio.", whatever that meant.

The evil twinkle in his piercing, icy blue eyes never vanished.
He had had a trouble maker grin plastered on his old face.
A redhead with hazel eyes, was with him. Ron.

But what was the man's name?
Oh, yeah, Hermione had caught it.
It was 'Dumb-old-door'. Funny.

All the wizarding world's names were funny.

Hogwarts. Hogsmeade. 
I mean, who in their right minds would call their kids Salazar, Rowena, Helga and Godric, instead of Sebastian, Rachel, Hannah and Gabriel?

She could understand Helga, but Rowena? She didn't like that Godric- Guy either.
The name Salazar was cool, though.
(No offense meant.)

As the rain sprinkled over the freshly- mowed grass and a wonderful aroma spread around, Hermione wondered what else in life she had forgotten and missed.
Molly Weasley bustled around the kitchen.
An owl threw a copy of
'The Witch Weekly' at her.

"Stupid owl", Molly muttered, rubbing the spot where the magazine had hit her, and flicked her wand to turn the oven off.

She levitated the raspberry pie out of it, and lay it on the kitchen table. It had to cool for half an hour now, perfect time to look through a magazine.

She sat on the enormous red couch, magic helped her, to transport a large cup of over sugared tea over to the little table in front of her.

Many "Ooh" 's and "Aah" 's expressed Molly's excitement about some special events and dresses, mixers, and new spells.

But she cried out in delight as she saw one:
The Imperius Potion:
A useful potion, which sets the drinker into a light Imperius, has just trespassed the Ministry's borderline.

You need:
- Unicorn hair
- Rat limbs
- Eagle feather
- Mandarin juice
- Sea salt
- Water
- Bubotubertus sauce

How to do it:
Put the unicorn hair into a bowl and add the water and rat limbs.
Stir the mixture. Now let it cool for 15 minutes.
Then add the eagle feather and some of the sea salt.
The bubotubertus sauce goes in, next. Stir the mixture again and let it boil for about 5 minutes.
Now you put in the remaining salt.
Finally, finish the potion up, by pouring the water into the bowl, and say the words: "Liquid Imperius."
Yes, they are English!
If the mix is turquoise now, you can use it!

Article made by
F. W.  and G. W.

Molly did realise that something was wrong with the article, but she didn't know what.

She hadn't noticed the signature of the article writers, either.
Arthur Weasley sat behind his desk, and tried to sort out the papers and formulas.

He had finally got his own office.
It had a mahogany desk, marble floor, a huge closet, a large bathroom attached, and some green plants on the desk, the window, etc. His door was made out of transparent glass.

And, not to forget, his most prized possession.

A black writing ballpoint pen.

It was black, with silver stripes.

He had been in a ecstasy, when Harry had given it to him with a note book, which was black, to Christmas last year.

A man and a woman strutted to his office, as if they owned it.

They didn't, not if they were  Astoria Greengrass, Harry Potter, himself, or Draco Malfoy.

Wait- it was Draco Malfoy,  with a beautiful woman clutching a Gucci handbag.

Wasn't that... Hermione?!

No. Nope.

This DEFINITELY wasn't Hermione.

It just.... couldn't be.
Hermione didn't know what drove her to go to Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy was the arch nemesis of Hermione Granger.
Everyone knew that.

Astonishingly, Malfoy seemed as tempted as her to go to Arthur Weasley with her.

The reporters went crazy, when they saw who the identity of the gorgeous duo was.

Hermione Granger. Brown, wavy hair, hazel eyes, tall, perfect hourglass figure, long legs, and sexy.

Draco Malfoy. Blonde, tousled hair,  grey eyes, taller than Hermione Granger, smart, and hot.

What had gone into Hermione?
Ron glanced at the newspaper, just to peek about what had happened, and- almost spit his bacon.

It was.....

New Dream Couple of the Wizarding World- Wedding Bells Ringing?

A cute couple was to be spotted yesterday, roaming around Diagon Alley, laughing and talking.
Now, you all must be REALLY excited to know who that was.

It was....

The two smartest students of Hogwarts united... simply unbeatable!

We know that they are dating, duh, but they were to shy to admit it.

You, young readers, may have read the title of this article-
'Wedding Bells Ringing?'.
We don't write such titles, unless it is really serious.

In fact, we saw a beautiful ring on Miss Granger's or- soon to be- Malfoy's ring finger!

Are they engaged?

Ron stared at the page and then his gaze went to the seat in front of him, where Hermione always sat. It was empty.

He quickly took out his cell phone and dialled Hermione's phone number. To his astonishment, the voice of a man answered.

"Hello", the voice said.
"Hello", Ron answered.
"Who are you?", the voice asked.
"Ron. Ron Weasley. Where is Hermione?", Ron said.
"Showering", the voice answered.
"Who are you?", Ron asked, getting in in defensive mode.
"Draco. Draco Malfoy", the voice replied.
Ron turned pale.

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