Chapter 13: The Love Potion

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I saw my best friend cry for the first time.It was horrible.

I saw, how the girl sneaked glances at her former friend, or, how you say these days, crush.
It was freaking me out.
How could this boy break her heart?

But, what was making me furious, was, that I myself was falling for the boy, who had broken the heart of my bestie.

'Be patient. You will be able to hit on him very soon', a voice in the back of my head said.
'Shut it. It's my best friend's crush, I can't just steal him away from her', I shot back, sharply.
'Hmpf. But you do know, that you could easily have him?', the voice whispered. I hummed in response.
Sorry, bestie, but he's mine.
'You're awesome, and you know that', the voice stated.
'I guess I do.. Besides, I'm sick of giving up on everyone I love because of my best friend...
But not this time', I snickered under my breath.
'Yea, that's the spirit, girl!', the voice drawled. I just smirked.

"Hey! Wait up for me!", my bestie screeched from behind me.
I rolled my eyes. Girl, we are fake friends.

She took her school bag, and rummaged through it, pulling out long pieces of parchment, quills, and ink bottles.
She muttered:"Potions essay, check, transfiguration homework, check, History of Magic assignment, check, blue quill, check, ink pot, check..."

"We first have potions with the Gryffindors, then Herbology with the Slytherins, Transfiguration with the Ravenclaws, and History of Magic with the Gryffindors", she exclaimed brightly.
I groaned.
I didn't like the Gryffindors that much, but my bf simply adored them.

But I had to find a plan to get that boy. And, oh- Have I mentioned that her and my crush is a Gryffindor? Probably not. Yah, well, I'm a bit forgettable.

So, we went to Potions.
The overgrown bat, aka Snape, was eying us all like an eagle.
"So", he drawled, "we are going to do a bit of theory, now." Snape swiftly pulled out his wand and swished it. Some cauldrons appeared out of nowhere.

The potion which was in the cauldron in front of us, smelt like you bathed in a trash bin. Ew.
"What is this?", Snape asked, pointing towards the potion, which I just described.

My 'bestie' put her hand up.
Snape nodded towards her.
"This is the Befuddlement Draught", she answered proudly.

"And what is this?", Snape questioned, bored.
It was a mud coloured, bubbling and fuming potion. I knew that one!
I put my hand up.
"Yes", Snape said.
"This is a 'Cure for Boils' potion", I said, my head held up high.

"Correct", Snape said, and nodded approvingly at my 'best friend' and I. "Thirty points to-"

A loud scream interrupted us.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!", someone shouted. Who?
Longbottom. Neville Longbottom.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head, disapprovingly. My wavy hair flew in the air, as my green eyes scanned the room for the potion Neville spilled today.

Except for that he hadn't spilled a potion. He had drunken it.
My eyes widened in horror.
My fellow housemates snickered.
"Longbottom!", Snape snarled.
"How, for heavens sake, did this happen? And why did you drink the potion, it could be very intoxicating and- wait, Longbottom, IS THAT AMORTENTIA?!"

Amortentia is the strongest love potion in the world.

And, well, Neville stared at Professor Snape with big, dreamy eyes. I joined my housemates snickering. Snape shot us death glares, before looking at Neville again.

"Longbottom, you will have to wait a few minutes till I get the antidote. I cannot 'accio' it, because I put a charm on the door of the room where the antidotes are kept, and I ha-", Snape said, but was cut off by Longbottom.
"Your hair looks very nice today, Sevvi. So extremely... greasy.
Did I mention that I love you? No?
Oh silly me, I forgot. I love you, with all of my heart, and I-"

"Longbottom, shut it!", a very red Snape said, and went to exit the room to get the antidote.
"WAIT!", Neville shouted. He went to Snape and clutched his arm, possessively, looked at us, and hissed: "He's mine!" We had to pinch ourselves somewhere, to not burst out laughing. Snape glared at Neville.The two of them stumbled out of the classroom. The whole class burst out laughing.

I wondered why Snape had brought Amortentia to our class. I mean, hello? We are first years. We have no clue what the potion is, all except me.

Wait- it was a love potion, right?
Oh my God! This was the solution!
I could get my crush to love me by drugging him with Amortentia!

Whilst no one was looking, I quickly took my cauldron, which was a little bit bigger than a normal pot, and filled it up with Amortentia, to the brim. Mhm...
It smelt like pineapples! Probably just what my crush loved.

I smiled wickedly.
This was going to be so much fun.

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