Chapter Six

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"You are not putting me in the back like some sort of criminal."

Parrish presses his head against the cool, metal surface of the truck door and sighs deeply. The second he opened the back driver side door, Amelia planted her feet firmly on the concrete and crossed her arms stubbornly against her chest. The two have spent the past couple of minutes bickering about her sitting in the back.

"Something tells me this wouldn't be your first time in the back of a police vehicle."

Amelia holds up an indignant hand. "Okay, first of all, you would be correct." Parrish frowns at her admission. "Second of all, unless I missed something, I'm not under arrest."

She crosses her arms against her chest again and points her nose towards the sky. Parrish is vaguely reminded of a petulant toddler demanding their way. Except Amelia Rose is more stubborn than a toddler and much more trying.



Sheriff Stilinski runs his hands down his face in an attempt to wipe away the worry. He doesn't want his son or Scott to know how serious the situation is but he can't just not tell them. Not only does the town have some sicko running around, draining young women of their blood but they also have the added threat of a journalist sniffing out a story. And not just any journalist; Amelia Rose. She may not look like much of a threat but everything he's read about her in the past fifteen minutes indicates that the woman is a force to be reckoned with.

To be honest, he's been expecting something like this to happen ever since Stiles came clean about the behind the scenes supernatural drama. It was only a matter of time before someone came looking into all the unsolved or unexplainable cases. Agent Rafael McCall touched on the Sheriff's fears not too long ago but the issue had been put to rest once the two men put their differences aside. Something tells him that getting rid of Amelia Rose won't be quite as easy as becoming 'bros' with her.

The door to his office swings open and Stiles and Scott walk into the room. As usual, Stiles glances over at the documents on the desk with a familiar curiosity. He picks up a piece of paper that has a photo of Amelia Rose attached.

"Wait, is this the girl from last night?" Stiles asks. "Amelia Rose-- wait, is she a suspect?"

"No," the Sheriff says as he snatches the paper from his son's hand. "She's a journalist, and a good one at that."

Scott and Stiles exchange confused, but alarmed, expressions. With all the dangers that comes from the world of the supernatural, they never dreamed that a journalist might be one. No reputable journalist would touch a story like this with a ten foot pole but it doesn't mean that a story written about the supernatural happenings in Beacon Hills won't draw a little bit of attention.

Scott sighs. "How good is she?"

"Scary good." At the sight of the worried looks on the boys faces, the sheriff holds up a placating hand. "As far as I can tell, she doesn't have a story yet. We just need to make sure she doesn't find one."

"Which is easier said than done," Scott says through a groan.

"We went to Deaton about that body that was found. He thinks it's supernatural," Stiles explains and his father sighs deeply.

"Just be careful, okay?" The Sheriff shifts his attention to Scott. "Do whatever you have to do so long as you don't risk exposing your secret. A story like this from a credible journalist could destroy you."

Scott nods nervously. "No pressure, right?"

"Hey, I'm going to do my best to keep her prying eyes off you kids and Derek," Sheriff Stilinski says.

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