chapter 6: meet the star sanses

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️⭐Dream pov⭐☀️

Mmm...w-what happened...mmm...
w-where a-am I....

*cough**cough* m-my thro-oat is mouth

🖤🌙Nightmare pov🌙🖤

I was sleeping in chair...well acutely my

head was resting in dreams pillow...I

was having a good dream about me and

killer, we were sitting in near a lake...

he was laughing and believe me his smile was soooooo cutttteeee...

I heard coughing...I immediately woke

up and saw dream tears was running

from his eyes and as well blood was

running from his poor

brother...why does things happen to him...

《Note: because I do this so if you guys saw I didnt update any chapter for one month believe me I'm dead because nightmare is about to kill me right now so bye ^_^》

I cleaned his mouth then take a glass of

water and helped dream to drink it he

was still crying...I think he is still too

shocked because of sudden negative

after all it was too much for him to bear

it...with my thumbs I cleaned his eyes

and start calm him down (shhhshhh...

its ok are safe

are in home...ok dream...I'm here with

you) I said those similar words for

some minutes till he calmed down

(b-brother...forgive-e me...I didn't

w-want w-was bored...I

didn't know which Au I w-was...going...

my s-soul start to h-hurt...I couldn't w-was horrible...I thought

...I w-was g-going to di-ie...i____) didn't

let him finish his sentence (it's ok

dream...I'm not angry at you...I only

was scared that I couldn't find you...but

looking at bright side you are ok now

and specially besides me alive...but

dont do this anymore...promise me...)

he looked at me then smiled (ok-k...I

pr-romise) I smiled back (good...for now

get rest) I pulled blanket on him, he

pulled me in his i ended up to

sleep besides was like we were

child...when dream was having a lots of bad dreams...

☀️🔥[in morning]🔥☀️

I woke up and with dream we went down stairs and eat breakfast with others...

I was about to go and attack some Aus

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