Chapter 2

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"wow *Huff* t-that was amazing" Korra said as she laid on the other side of Asami, sweat dripped from the side of her face, Asami nodded "It was, now are you free for the rest of the day" Asami asked, she had been meaning to talk to Korra about this hole in their relationship, Korra and Asami spoke on everything, but this was going to be much harder. There was a knock on the door, Asami sighed Korra sat up and put a top on "Hold that thought Sami i'll see who it is" Korra put her watertribe baggy pants and walked out the room to answer the door.

"Oh, Eska? What a great surprise" Korra's smile faded "Why are you here, and where is Desna?" as soon as the Avatar said that, Desna popped himself from behind his sister, Korra got into a defense stance "Damn! Don't scare me like that" Korra stood at her normal hight "What do you want?" Eska looked at her brother before looking back at her cousin, "It has come to my attention that the prisoner Kuvira is being released" Korra nodded.

"Well Suyin cannot keep her in her current living space" Korra frowned that that was the agreement, for Sue to take Kuvira for house arrest until she was properly set free "So who is taking Kuvira?"

"That is the issue we have come to you for" Korra raised an eyebrow "come to me? for what" Just as she said that Asami walked behind her wrapping her arm around her neck softly, "Hello Eska, Desna" The twins exchanged nods with the Ceo. "Wait go back to the conversation why have you come to me for where Kuvira is staying, and why can't Sue keep her. 

"Nobody else wants to take her, the files for her release has already been put out, they cannot throw her back in jail, so you need to decided who takes her" Korra stared at her cousins in shock, they came to her for this?, Did Korra not make it obvious that she didn't want anything to do with Kuvira after she signed the papers.

"And why do you two think people would listen to me?" 

"Because you are the Avatar, they will follow your judgment like mindless puppets, you have two days to decided where Kuvira stays,"

"And what if we don't decided" Asami said, Both Eska and Desna turned to walk away "It is not of your concern as to where Kuvira goes it is the Avatars" And with that the twins left.

Korra sighed she walked back in the house slightly slamming the door, "All i ask is for a break, but i don't get it" Korra sat in a chair, she was burning inside, burning with confusion, the idea came to her mind that Kuvira stay with her and Asami, but Korra also wanted life to just be her and Asami nothing more nothing less. "Korra just relax we can sort this out later but i really need to talk to you" Korra looked up at her girlfriend she wasn't in the mood but really wanted to take a guess about this "talk" Korra thought of anything Asami would try to "talk" about but there was nothing.

"Its about, this feeling, you may not feel it but something is missing i don't know what it is" Korra was speechless she let Asami carry on explaining, "its not like i don't love you because i do i really love you Its just something feel weird, whenever we are having sex, i love it so much but...i feel like things could be different" Korra nodded "I feel the same" This took Asami off guard she didn't expect Korra to agree with her,

"Everything you just said makes sense, i never brought it up because, i thought you didn't feel the same way i thought you would think i didn't love you but i do" Korra had her head down. Asami took a long sigh she didn't know she was holding, the truth was out they had nothing to hide now, "So what are you going to do about Kuvira?" Asami sounded more happy only because she would love to see Kuvira's face when the guards tell her nobody wants her.

"I don't know Asami, i am kind of tired" Korra stood up her expression was much different, it wasn't the same happy fun face Korra always had. in truth Korra was confused, frustrated with herself, she wanted Asami to stay by her side because she feared telling her the truth would push her away.

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