Road Not Taken

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"Guess who!"

"Wooyoung?" Yeosang asked through hands covering his eyes. He'd be panicked by the sudden touch if that wasn't a voice he'd know anywhere.

"Pretty boy still remembers me!" Wooyoung joked faking offense.

"We text nonstop and you come hangout like once a month, don't be dramatic."

"You're always busy studying though. But anyway, let's go before we're late." Wooyoung wasted no time already pulling him by the hand.

"Actually, I'm waiting..."

"For a teacher, right? I talked to your counselor and he was glad to let me give you a tour in his place." Wooyoung cut him off.

It was the first day of class for Yeosang finally, although he was almost a month late to the start of the semester. Transferring and moving took time when you were a scholarship student apparently, with all the tests, waiting for the result dates and paperwork that was necessary.

"I even get to ditch first class and everything." His best friend continued with a grin.

"How convenient." As good as Wooyoung grades were Yeosang knew he was as much of a bratty student as he was when they were young, the brunette wouldn't put it past him to be there just to skip class.

"Can't you just be happy your best friend came to pick you up and personally show you around?" Wooyoung dismissed him, proceeding to pull him inside the gate.

The campus was huge, outside the main gates lied several school facilities spread around and inside still took a good ten minute walk to get to their destination. Yeosang wasn't quite sure where they were going, but they just kept walking straight ahead, making him glad it was at least a path pattern he could remember later.

Soon they reached a building marked as the secretary office by a shiny metal plaque. In his old school the administration department was barely a full room, sharing it with the teacher's lounger, but here it seemed to be a whole five story building. One of the first things they see inside past the main hall is a wooden counter that Wooyoung skips ahead to and grabs a bell that sat there.

"Hwa!!!" The younger yelled out while shaking it incessantly.

"Don't yell on the council room or I won't come. What are even doing outside of class, brat." A stunning blonde came out looking annoyed, quickly pulling the adornment from Wooyoung's hand.

"Wow, is this how you treat your friends? No wonder no one wants to enter the council, old man." Wooyoung poked at him.

"I'm only an year older!" The boy's outraged face was comical, his striking features looking somehow close to a ruffled bird and Yeosang immediately understood why Wooyoung picked on him, the older seemed easy to rile up right off the bat. "Seriously go back to class before a teacher arrives."

"Oh, Seonghwa if only you were a little more observant. I, out of my pure heartfelt will to be helpful for once volunteered to help out a new student, so I don't actually have class right now. If you'd be so kind to do your job and check Sangie in, please. We have a tour to continue before second period starts." Wooyoung told the older with exaggerated verbatim that made even Yeosang roll his eyes. Did he really needed to be so extra? Although it was almost endearing to see his old friend still acted exactly how he remembered, as annoying as he sounded.

"Oh, hi! You must be Yeosang, we were waiting for you. Come in and have a seat." Seonghwa turned to him, a smile appearing on his face as he finally noticed the extra presence. It was soft to an extent, but Yeosang would link it to a barely genuine customer service smile, warm but not quite reaching his eyes.

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