Principal's Office

335 16 46

POV - 3rd Person

About one month later, Mineta was called to the principal's office. He walked there in wonder of what the principal could need from him.

He barged in, not bothering to knock. Principal Nezu motioned Mineta to sit down, then took a breath.

Mineta took a seat, waiting for an explanation. Principal Nezu sighed,

"Mineta. You are expelled"

Mineta stared at him in shock, at a loss for words. He was frozen in place, mouth wide open.

"I'm sorry, but you've been up to too much trouble. It was hard for us staff to make this decision" Principal Nezu spoke up.

Mineta was angry. He couldn't believe he was getting expelled. Does this mean he could never be a hero?

He stormed out of the principal's office and ran out of the school, all the way to the alleyway.

He ran to Ally with tears in his eyes, "They kicked me out, babe! They expelled me!"

Hugging Ally was the only thing that could make Mineta feel better, so he began to embrace her. Tears fell down his cheeks, onto the concrete ground. He cried and cried until he couldn't cry any longer.

"Thank you for comforting me, bb" Mineta gave a sad smile.

But if Mineta couldn't be a hero, what could he do now that his dreams are ruined?

Word Count: 223

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