Chapter 8: 5 Scooters and A Bike

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Madam, you need to calm the shuck down.

"Sorry!" r0man shouted for no reason whatsoever.

"Do your sscience" mrs. Joan is a mood.


5 Scooters and A Bike Bakery

Janus you slimy boi is the cashier of the bakery and people hate him. He loves that they hate him. He's lying.

"Can I have a strawberry jam filled powdered donut?" That smoking lady asks Janus.

He hands her a cream filled donut.

She pays and leaves, then comes back a minute later. Janus knows how to get the girls to come back.

"Um, I asked for a strawberry jam filled? You gave me a cream filling."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, what would you like me to do?"

"Can I have a strawberry jam filled one?"


"Can I have a refund?"

"Only if you give that whole donut back."

"What the fudge, dude. Let me speak to your MANAGER"

"OKay, one sec." Janus does a 360. "What can I do for you?"

"Wait, is the owner here?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Can I speak to him?"

"Yes you can, that'll be a sec, though." Janus does another 360. "How can I help?"

"What the fudge! Is there anyone besides you who I can talk to?"

"No, ma'am."

"Fudge you, I'm leaving."

"Have a horrid day, ma'am"

The lady flips him off as she walks out the door.

Janus is queen.

226 Words

Kaylees prinxiety fanfiction, even though I prefer shrek x thomas the trainWhere stories live. Discover now