Chapter 8: Can't Have Parents and Be Batman

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"Aren't you bois just gay little cuties." Mrs. Joan, the scsience teacher, said to two gay kids that aren't virgo and r0man.

Virgo is sitting in the back corner of the room, all the lights angled specifically so that no lights can penetrate his castle of darkness. And only now a singular light has now penetrated it, the light of r0mans angelic presence.

R0man decided to sit next to virgo in the back of the class, kicking out whoever usually sits there. He is pinning so hard.

"Why are you sitting back here?" Virgo decided that if he is going to have to deal with this boi he might as well talk to him.

"I want to?" r0man you aren't the sassy lassy here.

"But, why?"

"I want to make a friend and you seem like a cool dude?" r0man is a big mood.

"Welp, I'm a lost cause. I don't make friends, I want to be as much like Batman as I can be."

"Are you rich?"

"No, but that is the only thing that I haven't accomplished to be Batman."

"You have parents?"


"Good, you can't have parents and be Batman. Can I be robin?" R0man pulled out a rubber bat from god knows where and placed it on Virgo's desk.

"I guess, if you're willing to wear spandex."

"Baby you know I have multiple pairs of spandex and will wear them with pride."

"Okay, you're hired." Virgo stuffed the bat into his camo backpack.


249 Words

Kaylees prinxiety fanfiction, even though I prefer shrek x thomas the trainWhere stories live. Discover now