Just Because Alice Went Through A Mirror, Doesn't Mean You Should

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"You're what?!" Yelled Isabel

"I'm moving to Maine and I want you to come with me," Steve said.

She sat down on the couch trying to catch her breath. Her hands were over her face, "Steve, I'm your girlfriend. Were you ever going to discuss this with me?" She looked up to him.

Steve sat next to her, "Izzy, I love you. I took this job for us. To make a better life for us." Taking her hand into his.

Wrenching it from him, "Screw you and your love. How can you do something like this and not think to talk to me first?"

"I thought I was doing something good for us." He confessed to her.

"Well, you thought wrong." She started leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" He stood.

"I need to think." She called as she left him.

Tears filled her eyes but she refused to shed them. She was extremely mad and frustrated with Steve. How could he do this? She didn't want to move to Maine. She liked where she was and the college and all her friends. How could he take that damn job in Maine and think that it was not going to go over well with her? He always made big plans without ever considering her. Isabel took to walking the lake outback of her parent's place. She had time off from school and came to visit them. She was the youngest of her class in college and wasn't even twenty yet, she just had turned 19. She picked up some rocks and began throwing them into the lake. When something caught her eye from across it. It didn't really fit in with anything. It was all shimmery and shook like Jell-O. The thing was rectangular like a long mirror and was almost translucent. Like the little bubble things, the goblin king used in Labyrinth right before they turned into the crystal balls. Every part of her told her that it's a stupid idea to go check it out. She knew that nothing good will come of it, but she did it anyway. Isabel stood a few feet from it knowing if anything doesn't touch it. It was bad enough she was already over here by it. An idea popped in her head. Looking around she found what she was looking for. A stick. Going back to the funky mirror thing, she poked it. It wobbled and Isabel laughed, doing it again. The mirror did the one thing that she didn't count on, it reached out and sucked her in.

Isabel sat straight up gasping for air. Confused and disoriented she got up to look around. She didn't recognize where she was. Somehow she ended up in the middle of the woods. Hearing a brook she went to it. Thirsty she bent down for something to drink. Throwing some water on her face after her drink she heard a racket. A group of men on horses came galloping through the water. They were soon accompanied by some men in red and green uniforms. She couldn't recall why they looked somewhat familiar but all she could do was watch, as they shot and killed each other. She was like a dog watching a rotating chicken on a stick. It was hard for her to tear her eyes away from them. Seeing battles like this in a movie is much different than seeing it in real life. Or was this real life? How does she know that she's not asleep or unconscious and she is just dreaming all of this? Then snapping out of it, if they saw her what makes her think that they won't kill her. Or maybe a stray bullet comes flying by to kill her. She is dressed differently and if spotted they could think that she might be dangerous. Now it was her cue to run like mad away from this and try to figure out how to get back home. Her escape was short-lived when one of the men in the red and green uniforms moved in front of her on his horse. Sliding to a halt she fell flat on her butt. The man looked at her, gun drawn for about 15 seconds before putting it away and hopping off his horse. Isabel rose and started to run in the opposite direction of the man but he was too quick and caught her. Limbs swinging as hard as she could, anything that could help her get free. But it was useless, the man threw her over the horse and got on. He rode all the way back to his camp, bringing her to Lord Cornwallis' tent. Isabel still fought when he carried her in. Tossing her to the floor, she fell with a 'humph'.

Quickly getting up, she slapped him, hard, across the face. "How dare you manhandle me like that!"

The man brought his hand up when a voice boomed from behind her. "Colonel Tavington what in the hell do you think you are doing?" He bellowed.

She spun to the voice as Colonel Tavington straightened up. Lord Cornwallis looks at Isabel quizzically. "You are strangely dressed. Who are you?" He asked.

"Militia I believe. I found her over by the brook when we attacked some of the rebels. I thought she might be of use." Answered Tavington.

"I believe I asked her Colonel." Snipped Cornwallis.

She looked back to Tavington then to Cornwallis, "Listen I don't even know where I am. I woke up in the woods a few feet from the brook. I was sucked here, transported here I don't know. But I can tell you right now that those men you attacked won't be looking for me since I'm not with them. I don't even know who you all are. I'm lost. You're not going to kill me, are you? Listen don't kill me I'll do whatever you all want me to, just don't kill me. Unless you want me for sexual favors than I'm out. Just kill me now." She held up her hands.

"Do you have a name?" Cornwallis asked.

"It's Isabel, but everyone just calls me Izzy." Bringing her hands back down to her side.

"That is an odd name for a woman. From now on, we shall call you Abigale. My name is General Lord Cornwallis." Placing his hands behind her back.

"Dude, you can't rename me. I've had this name for 19 years. And who do you think you are? You're not my father you can't do that." Protested Isabel.

Cornwallis' eyes scrunched up, "Dude? What is that?"

"It's another word for a man."

He shook it off, "Doesn't matter. I presume with you running wild like you are and dress so atrociously your parents are dead. Am I right?"

Thinking about it her parents weren't really dead they just didn't exist. As a matter of fact, neither did any of her friends or family. And Steve didn't exist and, in a way, neither did she. She started to get all teary-eyed at the thought of it. Lord Cornwallis took sympathy towards her.

"I never had children of my own and I always wanted a daughter. I will take you under my wing as my own. You are to listen to me without question. I have a feeling you are one to voice their own opinions. Remember you are to keep them to yourself, I do not want to hear them. What you do will reflect on me. You will behave."

"But I need to go back to the woods and find the shiny mirror thing that sent me here. I need to go back home. I have school to get back to soon."

Ignoring her, "Colonel Tavington I want you to make sure she is safe while she stays at camp with us. If she is unhappy, I am unhappy and you will not like that." He growled.

"Excuse me, milord. I am trained in warfare, not to watch over some girl." He said.

Isabel smirked, "You heard the man."

"And one more thing, you will be called Abigale," Cornwallis told her adding emphasis on the last word.

Rolling her eyes, Tavington took her by the arm. She wrenched her arm from him and kicked him in the shin.

"I'm perfectly capable of walking myself. You seriously need to stop manhandling me. It's very rude." Crossing her arms she stuck up her head and walked out.

Smiling, "Oh I like her." Lord Cornwallis commented.

A/N: I hope you like, this was posted on fanfiction and wanted to share on here. Reviews are most welcomed.

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