33 - Chapter Thirty-Three - Emerson Bennett's Point Of View

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Maddox got up in the morning and pulled me closer to him. He was still just as naked as I still was. He was warm against my back. I loved the feeling of skin to skin with him, Sex was great but just bonding with someone without clothing was a great feeling. Maddox and I stayed in bed like that for at least two more hours. My stomach protested for food and Maddox tossed clothing out of the closet at me since he had pulled away from our cuddling first. He honestly looked like he could spend all day in bed with me but I knew that wasn't the reason we were here.

Getting dressed and eating breakfast Maddox was quiet again. He clearly didn't have words for how he was feeling and I didn't want to pressure him into telling me why he was like this. After he finished his coffee, He took a deep breath before he spoke.

"We are here to visit my mother Abigail."
"Alright. Tell me what you need from me."
"Your support."
"I can one hundred and ten percent give you that my love."

His eyebrow raised at the pet name but he didn't comment. I knew she was sick so there were only a few places we would be going to visit her. I really hoped it would be in a hospital or a funeral home. I was not prepared to see my lover in that state of pain. He might have killed before but the loss of his mother would be a deeply rooted wound in him. He had spoken about her very few times but I gathered whatever she was suffering from was fast-slow progressing and had finally started to take hold of her. Reaching across the table I took his hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Whatever you need I will be there. Let me be your partner, your rock."
"You already are my partner."
"Then let me help hold your troubles."
"I have a lot of trouble."
"Then let me ease some of them."

He squeezed my hand back and nodded.

"My mother is losing her memories and it had gotten bad enough she won't remember me and she still thinks her husband, my father is alive, It breaks my heart every time I tell her he won't be coming to get her."
"Oh Maddox, Im so sorry."
"There's nothing that can be done. We have tried everything money can buy. Shes have had have been like this since I was a boy. She would forget simple things then it got worse, by my fourteenth birthday she had almost killed us and my father had to put her in a home."

He let out a shallow breath.

"A month or so ago the nurse looking after my mother told me to come to visit if I could because things were getting really bad. I couldn't bring myself to go see her, then all this happened and I knew if I didn't see her I might not get a chance to introduce you to her and show her im capable of loving and caring for another human being."
"Maddox, she's your mother, she knows you better than anyone."
"Not anymore, she can't remember me. She thinks im ten again and she tells everyone she's lost her ten-year-old son and needs to find him before my father comes to get her."
"A mother knows her child. Somewhere she does know your there."
"I hope so."

Maddox was in pain and it hurt my heart to see him like that. Around one he called somewhere and told them he was on his way. I figured it was to where ever his mother lived. He took my hand as we left the hotel. His fingers were entangled in my mine and it made my heart flutter. Getting into the car Maddox honestly looked to preoccupied with being his head to drive.

"Would you like me to drive? you look like you need to get your head in order."

Maddox handed over the keys and we switched places in the car. This just like the newer model I had driven, only this one didn't currently have a shattered windshield and flat tires among many other things. 

"Obey the posted speed limits, or you will lose this privilege."
"Ok. I understand."
"Do you?"
"Yes, you clearly said not to speed with you in the car."
"I got it."

I didn't wait for him to demand the keys back so he could drive. I startled the car and pulled out of the parking spot. The car wasn't as nice to drive as the newer ones, but that's because I drove the newer one first.

"The newer one drives nicer, really smooth handling."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes very."

Maddox gave me direction to the home and I followed them, and the stupid speed limit. He was watching my speed on the led display the whole ride. He didn't say anything about my driving or mt parking skills when we got the rest home.  Not to be super fancy but I backed the car into the parking spot. He didn't make any move to get out of the car. It was clear he was composing himself before he headed inside. It made me wonder how many times he sat here and did this by himself. I took his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze.

"Maddox love, I am here for you. For anything. We do this together."

He got out of the car and shut the door lightly, Getting out I made sure to shut the door just as lightly, Unlike with the other one when I slammed the door. I locked the car before handing me the keys. He took a deep breath and took my hand. It mildly shocked me but his face said it all. He hated this place and he wouldn't be here unless he had to be. It broke my heart.
We walked to the front door and inside. Maddox tensed up and I gave him a reassuring squeeze.

He could do this. I believed in him.
Together we would do this.

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