Chapter 1 [Part 2]

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Author : CandyOnn

Translator : Haruhi

♫ 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵? ♫

I raise my head just to glance at the person who recently stepped in. Even it is just a quick look, but it is totally enough to ruin my mood. 

It might due to the smile on the corner of his lips, which seems annoying and irritating so much.

In the end, I decided to stop looking and turn around, picking up my phone and play with it instead.

"And you, do come to the football practice this evening na woie. Damn it, that bastard Jay always follow me around, complaining that sophomore line always skips practice session"

Jay, in which Junior mentioned is actually P'Japan, a fourth-year senior of the football club.

"Err, I know that already" The low tone of Saifah's voice responded flatly.

I didn't catch what kind of expression he makes but based on my instinct, I'm pretty sure he's looking at me with that annoying face. 

Whenever meet like this, we always annoy each other.

"If you know it, then come. Do not only do the talking. Because if you only do the talking again, my gang will be in so much trouble" Junior complains non-stop.

"Err na, I know. But, this time, my legs really hurt"

"What's wrong?"

"Muscle injury. If I couldn't make it, I might ask P'Jay to let me quit"

I listen to what they are talking to each other, plainly. 

I didn't focus or give much attention to it since in my hand, I'm still scrolling the Facebook page even when normally, I'm not a phone addict or not much into playing social media.

However, maybe because inside my head right now, I'm thinking about my novel in which I have to stop writing about it, due to my parent's decision.

I don't know in the end, which path is better?

Is it the path created by me or the path provided by my parents?

I could only pray for something else to heal the wound in my heart. It doesn't have to be the view for the novel, just anything to distract me away from the novel.

[T/N: Something like playing guitar with your boyfriend 555]

"And this, what's wrong?" Ai'Tutor rested his hand on my shoulder. 

The tone he voiced out, shows that he still cares about me like always. "Acting like a dying person"

"Exactly, he's nearly dying actually. A slight push, he might end up in crematorium" Junior replied.

"Why is that?"

"It's about his parents..."

Before Junior could actually slip out anything, ai'Zen who sits on the opposite signaling him to keep his mouth shut. 

The same goes for Tanthai who immediately nudging him until Junior startles slightly, changing the subject in an instant.

"Well... it just his parents complaining about his dropping grade"

"Dropped how much?"

"He dropped from 3 to 2, nearly got himself the warning letter"


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