Chapter 18 [Full]

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Author: CandyOnn

Translator: Haruhi

Editor: @Idaalice

♫ 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵? ♫

Troubled times always seem to pass more slowly. My thoughts haven’t changed for the past few days, but I still can’t get over this feeling. I kept thinking that I should just let it all go and return  to the way it was, but upon the notion felt nothing. I felt indifferent to going back to where Saifah no longer intrudes on my personal space.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I was afraid. I was afraid that our feelings, be it my own or Saifah’s, simply were an illusion, or a result that happened because of my sister’s Y-novel. But none of these notions were to me as painful as the words from Saifah telling me that he’ll get over me.

“Zen’s not here yet?” Nathee’s question came as he sat down at the bench.
“Not yet, but I assume he’s almost here”

“Let’s go up then and wait for him, it’s too damn hot here..”
“Wait just a minute,” came Junior’s voice. 

He was chewing on a candy, looking  at Tanthai who had readily shot up to go wait in front of the classroom. “I still got candy in my mouth, can’t you wait just a little?”
“Sure… I can wait, but not for long you bastard, I’m hot…”

“Boo to you, acting all pitiful!” Junior cursed at his friend and pushed Tanthai’s head. 

I simply shook mine, fed up with it. I’m not sure if there will ever be a day without them hitting each other.  

“Oh, look there’s Saifah!” Tanthai exclaimed, interrupting the moment.

He kept nodding towards the entrance of of the building, until the point where I couldn’t help but to look up. 

Saifah was walking closely along with the girl Fai, both of them talking smiling, seemingly very close with one another. If you don’t remember Fai, she was the girl that I once talked with, the same one that Saifah was on about claiming on the Fresh Year Night.

“Is there something going on between them?” Tanthai said with a teasing tone to his voice, while looking at me for a reaction. “Just look at him, he’s not even blinking! Hoie~!”
“Maybe he’s suffering from a broken heart?” 

“What the fuck is wrong with you guys?”  I cursed the three idiots who kept blabbering, but my eyes were still following Saifah and Fai. They were talking, laughing and being all smiles together, so much that I felt a stinging inside.

Where’s that person who told me they were no longer speaking with each other, and why on earth would you arrive at the University together at the same time?!

“Your eyes are looking a bit watery there, Zon my friend…” Junior’s voice came
“Watery, my ass!” I shot back.

“See?! Now you’re furiously defensive again!”
“I am not!” I deny it, then pretend to look in the other direction.

“I wanted to ask you, Zon… Did you get your guitar back from Saifah?”
“I did…”

“When did you guys meet, and why did you not let us know about it?”
“Why would I tell you guys? It’s not like you didn’t already know it…” I shook my head, then glanced back over at Saifah again.
“Well, he’s looking at us too.” When Nathai spoke, Saifah turned to look at us, while still nodding to whatever Fai was telling him.

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