Chapter 23

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After my conversation with Lucas I didn't want to be alone so I drove to Ari's place or I will just think and think.
"Ari?" I called her name after using my key to enter into her house.
"I'm up here," she called from upstairs.
I walk up to find her with Kathy and Elaine in her bedroom.
"Hey." I said looking between them, feeling betrayed they were hanging out with Lucas's girlfriend and I wasn't invited.
"Hey." Elaine says with a smile.
"Vee, let's go downstairs I want to show you something." Kathy says jumping up when she sees me.
"Yeah we'll be right back Elaine," Ari adds holding my hand and taking me downstairs.
"Okay so, we're sorry about Elaine. We know you don't want to hang out with your exes new girlfriend." Kathy says.
"Yeah but she doesn't have any friends in L.A so I kind of invited her to go shopping with us today." Ari says.
"And we didn't say anything to you because we didn't want to upset you." Kathy says.
"Guys it's okay." I say, it wasn't okay and I need new friends.
"Okay so you want to go shopping with us?" Ari asks.
"Please?" Kathy adds.
"Yeah okay." I say defeatedly but also wanting to know more about Elaine.
"Let's go back upstairs then." Ari says and we walk back upstairs.
"Elaine are you ready to go?" Kathy asks.
"Yeah I am."

An hour later we were out of Sephora and were stopping for pizza in a restaurant in the mall.
And I have to say I am disappointed, Elaine is really nice, I mean amazingly nice but I still hated her and was jealous of her.
"When are you going back to London?" I ask after we get our orders and start eating.
"Tomorrow." Elaine said taking a bite of her pizza.
"Already?" Ari asks.
"Yeah already, I have to get back to work." Elaine says explaining.
"What about Lucas?" I ask casually and both Kathy and Ari stare at me like I have said something wrong, thank God Elaine doesn't notice their weird stares.
"No, Lucas is staying. He has to be in L.A for a month." Elaine says.
"Oh, how is going to be like with him being away?" Ari asks.
"Oh nothing, we usually take a break for the months we're apart." Elaine explains.
"A break?" Kathy asks.
"Yeah, we're free to see other people and then when the month is over we get back together and then it's like we never took a break." Elaine says.
No one says anything again and after our pizzas we go back to shopping.
Hours later we were done and I was back at my apartment and I have concluded on how to pursue Lucas. I was going to get him back, I love him and I am sure as hell was willing to make things work.

My phone starts to ring and I check it to see my mom calling.
"Hello mother." I say answering the call.
"Vanessa you told Zack Milton you won't be going out with him just after one date." She said scolding me.
"So he reported me to my mother?" I asked pissed.
"No he told your father and you father is pretty pissed at you, you should call Zack and say you didn't mean it."

"I can't believe you mother, I'm not going marry Zack just because dad and his father want to become business partners.
Besides I'm back with Lucas." I add lying.

"You are honey? Why didn't you say anything." My mom asks.

"Mother that's not the point, this is my life and I'm not going to spend the rest of my life with someone I do not love. I don't care if I disappoint dad, the earlier you two understand it the better." I explain fuming at my mother before ending the call.
I can't believe my parents, honestly they don't care about my feelings or my life all my dad cares about is expanding his business and making me part of the deal with Zack Milton and my mom only cares about making my dad happy, the man that has cheated on her multiple of times.
They forced me to go on a date a week ago with Zack, I clearly stated I didn't like him and it won't work out. I have known Zack since I was little our parents are close friends and I know him enough that he creeps me out.


The next morning, Elaine had told us her flight was early around 6 in the morning so around 11 I left work and drove to the manor to see Lucas. I honestly didn't have any plan, just that I wanted to see him.

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