Chapter 2

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I curse to myself after changing my 6th outfit trying to find something to wear to my interview with Lucas. I finally bring out a knee length black skirt pairing it a coral peplum shirt. It looked professional but also hot, the skirt fits perfectly and the top too, it also shows a little cleavage but not too much. I opted for a lot of makeup today, just a simple nude face with mascara and a little eyeliner and no lipstick. Left my hair up in a high ponytail.
Satisfied with my look, I wore my favorite pair of manolo heels. I checked the time and it was already 5. I went downstairs to find the car Lucas had sent was already waiting for me.

"Good evening Miss," the driver said opening the car door for me.
"Good evening, thank you." I said as I closed the door. We were 3 minutes into the drive when I realized I didn't know were the interview was taken place. He just said I'll send a car for you and I never asked to where. I was about to ask the driver when we arrived.
"We're here Miss, Mr Alvarado is inside someone inside will direct you to him." The driver said opening the car door for me.
"Thank you."
It was his penthouse, we our having the interview in his home. I thought to myself. I was even more nervous than before, I thought it was going to be in a more professional setting. Like his office, a coffee shop or anywhere other than his place.
"Good evening, Miss Ford. Mr Alvarado is upstairs, I'll take you to him." A guy in the lobby in the said.
"Okay," I smile. We enter the lift, he presses the button for the 5th floor. I follow up behind as we reach our floor and walk to the end of the hall. He knocks and a voice inside says come in, he pushes the door open for me. I say thank you as he closes the door and walk away.

It's an office, Lucas is standing beside the window talking with Eric Archibald. Which I can remember has been his best friend since we were little, I even dated and lost my virginity to Eric's younger brother Tyler Archibald.

"Vanessa it's really you, it's been ages." Eric says walking to me. "You really have grown up, Lucas wasn't kidding about that."
I smile and look back to Lucas who silently groans.
"We really do have to catch up." Eric adds. "Yeah we should, it really has been long. How have you been?" I ask.
Before he answers, Lucas cuts him off. "Eric don't you have somewhere to be." "Oh right I'll leave you two to it, and Vanessa we really should catch up."
"Ofcourse."  I say smiling.

I had almost forgotten how charming and hot Eric Archibald was, he was also a player like Lucas back in the day. All the girls back then were hot for him and Lucas.
"Okay bye guys, don't do anything I wouldn't do." He adds smirking at Lucas before leaving.
"Vanessa please come in, sit. Lucas points to chair for me. Would you like something do drink, tea, coffee, scotch or if you would like something else."
"No thank you." I say. "So Eric is still thesame as ever." I say sitting down.
"Yeah he is, there's no changing that guy." He says pouring himself a glass of scotch. "Are you sure you don't want anything," he asks again.
"Maybe I would take a scotch too," I say.
"Good choice," he says before pouring me a glass and bringing it to me.
"So I have grown up." I ask smirking at him.
Lucas smiles and adds. "Don't mind Eric I happened to have mentioned you look different and have grown up."
"So different in a good way." I ask.
"Of course."
I smile nervously. "So is this an office or where you live I ask changing the subject."
"I live at the Alvarado manor and also here upstairs and this is like a home office."
"So should we be begin." I ask.
"Right, before we begin you should know I was forced to do this. You know Kathy always gets her way." He says smiling.
"About that why do you hate interviews and media." I ask.
"I just like being private, I don't enjoy people knowing about my life whether it's professional or personal." He says taking another sip of his scotch.
"I get that and I'll try as much as possible to keep the personal questions to a minimum." I say, taking a sip of my scotch for the first time.

"So I have a list of questions questions I'm meant to ask, both personal questions and also professional questions. And also we would like a picture of you of course for the cover of magazine and maybe few others."
"Whoa whoa Miss Ford, pictures? Will I also get to take of your pictures." He says in his deep sensual voice.
"Only if I get to choose what to wear and how to pose for you." I blurt out without thinking.
"What about if you wear nothing and I choose the poses." The room goes quiet, I don't think he realized what he said till after he did.
"These are the questions approved by your media spokesperson." I said as I passed him the list.
"And here are some personal questions that were striked out but I'll very much like it to be in the interview." I ask nervously.
He looks over the questions and drops it on the table.

"Are you sleeping with anyone?" He asked me so casually, it took a second to process what he'd said.
I inhaled sharply. "I don't see why that is a question of discussion between us." I said avoiding his eyes.
"Answer the question Vanessa, are you sleeping with anyone." He asked again.
"Why is that any business of yours?" I said nervously.
He looked at me and and I felt my stomach flutter.
"Because I want to fuck you, Vanessa. I need to know what's standing in my way, if anything."
The sudden ache between my thighs had me crossing my legs to maintain my composure.
"Maybe I'm not interested." I said trying my best not to show any weakness from his words because my cheeks were suddenly burning up and I couldn't feel my legs.
A smile touched his lips and made him impossibly more handsome, more gorgeous.
Dear God, is he just playing with me or is he serious and if he is serious should I just  sleep with him. I mean I want to, he's gorgeous and everything. I can't believe I'm actually considering it, I mentally scolded myself.
"Let's table the interview for now. And discuss this." He said as he stood up and dominated the room.
"I'm not sure, I even understand what you mean." I asked.
"I think I was quite clear, I want to fuck you Vanessa. I'm a man who likes to get straight to the point." He said walking around the huge office desk and sitting opposite me.
"And what if I'm not interested." I asked.
"No lies Vanessa." He said taking a sip of his scotch.
I shifted under his gaze, suddenly feeling conscious that he could see my attraction for him.
"So what if I'm attracted to you? I expect most women are." I said composing myself not to give away of how turned on I was.
"So you admit, you're attracted to me." He said smirking.
"That's not the point, I'm not interested in doing anything about it."

He stepped closer, his hand lifting to my face. I forced myself not to move away or give him the satisfaction of seeing me turned on. His thumb brushed over my lips gently.
A shiver moved through me, followed by a heated ache between my legs.
His gaze darkened and his voice lowered intimately. "I want you Vanessa, and you want me. What's the harm in us Fucking."
At that, I was lost for words.
"Think about it and get back to me on that." He said as he stood up and went back to sitting opposite me.
"I'll need an answer by Friday. But for now let's start with the professional part of the interview." He said casually like he didn't just ask to sleep with me.

"How about we begin then. He adds breaking the silence.
"Yeah sure let's begin."
"You have achieved so much and you're only 30 years old, what would you say drives you." I begin with my first question.
"Perseverance and Hard work." He answers back to his autocratic and cold self.
"Alvarado Global industries is the biggest of the Energy industry all over world. It is owned by your family. Which you and your sister are the head of the company.
But you recently acquired a new company HC Global which is completely different from Alvarado Global being that it is in the telecommunications industry.
What might you say made you acquire it or is Alvarado Global venturing into telecommunications." I ask my next question.
"HC Global is completely different from Alvarado Global and it is not venturing into telecommunications. Alvarado Global industries is only about the Oil and Energy sector."  He answers taking a sip of his scotch.
"Is it alright to say that HC Global is your very on personal project." I ask.
"Yes it is, I very much like to diversify and I have acquired various companies but most of all I have been interested in the telecommunications industry for a while now." He said as he stood up and walked to the huge window looking out the city.

"HC Global is already huge but hasn't been expanded to Europe, are you planning on expanding it to Europe. Seeing that you're heading the Alvarado Global Europe division." I ask my next question.
"Yes." He says walking back to me.
"I think I have answered enough questions today. Let's continue this on Friday after you have given me a definite answer." He said referring to asking me to sleep with me.
"Okay then I'll get going." I say standing up.
"My driver will take you home. Think about it Vanessa." He said as he closed the distance between us and stared deep into my eyes.
"Okay." I mumbled pulling away quickly and leaving.

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