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As she and Bonnie were the only two singles there, she felt self-pity drinks were in order. As Elena and Bonnie followed her, Naida overheard their conversation.

"Elena, how would you feel about me dating your brother?" Naida had stopped in her tracks causing Elena and Bonnie to run into her. She had taken some relief in knowing that Bonnie was just as depressed as her, but if she started dating Jeremy, then Naida would be alone in these thoughts and feelings. Bottom line? She'd be alone again.

"Well, Jeremy has been through so much and I believe he deserves someone as amazing as you."



The duo shared a hug while Naida stood back and watched. Naida couldn't stop the spiral as fast and she tried her best to stay focused on the pair as a way to anchor herself in reality. As the two broke apart, Bonnie became overrun with blush and Elena and Naida laughed. As they laughed, Stefan appeared between Naida and Elena.

"Stefan, what are you doing here?"

"Jonas is here and wants to get to you."

Everyone scrambled and Bonnie went off to find Jonas. Then, the lights went out and the bar and surrounding areas lit on fire. Everyone in The Grill were looking for ways out and Elena, Naida and Stefan run into the bathroom where they see Caroline and Matt. Matt hears the commotion and runs out to help, leaving the group alone.

"We need a plan to save Elena from Jonas."

The group quickly creates a plan and Elena, Stefan and Naida run out and run into Jonas. Naida didn't bring much to the group supernaturally, but she sure as hell wasn't going to roll over and go out peacefully.

"Jonas please, if we can work together we can get your daughter."

"Only Elijah can help me."

"No, we can."

Jonas throws his hands up, seemingly trying to attack Elena and without thinking, Naida threw herself in front of Elena. She didn't understand why, maybe it was a mix of wanting to be free of her thoughts and wanting to see if anyone missing her if she was gone. Expecting to be thrown, Naida opened one eye to a confused Jonas before he started screaming. With now both of her eyes open, she saw that his hands had started to shake with the force of an earthquake and saw Elena and Stefan become confused before pulling both of the girls away and back to the house. At the house, the girls are met with Jeremy and Bonnie already there and have Stefan walk in first.

"Did you guys check the house?"

"No, we just got here."

Stefan nods before going upstairs quietly.

Upstairs stands Katherine Pierce, better known as Katrina Petrova, standing as Elena for a "surprise" Jonas attack. As the Petrova looks into the bathroom mirror, she is met with the face of Jonas and his broken hands. She looks at the hands for a split second before vamping out and killing him. The second she is done killing him, Stefan entered the bathroom. He drags her down there and this was the second time Naida had seen Elena and Katherine in the same room.

"I'm assuming you want this back?"

Katherine ripped Elena's necklace off of her neck and Elena basically stomps over to her and grabs it from her. Katherine's eyebrows rose in amusement before looking over to Naida. The first time the Petrova had seen Naida she was sure she knew her from somewhere and now that she had gotten another good look, she was sure she knew the girl. Problem was, she couldn't understand where she had seen her from and similar to Elijah, she could feel her name on the tip of her tongue. 

"You have to get rid of her before Jenna gets home."

Stefan nodded and Katherine let out a scoff. She got real close to Elena's face before speaking.

"Elena, if it were up to me, you would be dead already. However, you are needed for Klaus, so I am not going to kill you. Trust me, if I could, I would kill you." Naida let out a small chuckle at the bluntness of the Petrova and Katherine let out a small smile before going back to her resting bitch face. After Stefan took Katherine out, Jenna emerged and was faced with Naida and Elena snacking on ice cream in the kitchen.

"Where did you guys go?" Naida and Elena gave each other half a look and decided not to tell Jenna. Problem was, Naida wanted to tell Jenna but couldn't risk being ostracized from the group. 

"We got out and we're looking for you and couldn't find you so we just came home."

Jenna nodded and grabbed a spoon for the ice cream. As the trio were continuing a conversation, a knock was heard at the door. The trio gave one another confused looks because it was 11:45 PM and no one was expecting anyone. Jenna went over and answered the door. Jenna opens the door and there stands a short woman with dark hair. Naida didn't know who this was but by one look at Elena, Naida knew this person was important.

"Hello there. I'm Isobel, Elena's mom."

"Isobel." Stood in disbelief, all Jenna could do was simply look back and forth between Elena and Isobel.

"It's nice to see you again Elena." It broke Naida's heart to see a single tear roll down Jenna's face. She knew that this was going to happen; Jenna finding out from someone other than Elena and she knew from experience that it never ends well. Naida hated seeing Jenna this distraught considering she was like a second mother to the girl.

"Again?" It wasn't Elena, but rather Naida who, in a rage, went to the door and slammed it in Isobel's face. She couldn't stand that the woman on the other side of the door had caused so much pain to a wonderful woman in the fraction of a second. The dark thoughts surged forward and Naida dreamt of ways to hurt the woman. Jenna merely faced Elena, betrayal written all over her face.

"You knew Ric's wife was alive this entire time?"

"Jenna I can exp-"

"You knew? Ric? John?"

"Jenna please let me-," Jenna runs past Elena, grabbing onto Naida and dragging the girl up to her room. Jenna pushes Naida in and closes the door, locking Elena out. Naida can hear Elena's muffled cries and the girl rushes towards her mother figure who was crying in front of the door. The best thing Naida could've done was merely hold Jenna and let her cry it out. Jenna tried to stop the tears to hold a conversation with the girl.

"Did you know?" Naida sadly shook her head. Of all people, Naida thought at the very least Elena would've done more to prevent this from happening. This woman was amazing and had stepped up to raise children she hadn't known and for Elena to do this surged unspeakable emotions in Naida.

"I wasn't even aware Elena was even looking for her birth mom."

This pushed Jenna over again and the woman hugged the girl with what seemed like all her might; trying to use the hug to convey a message that she couldn't say with words. She felt alone in her family. Naida picked up the message and hugged back with as much force. It was at times like this that Naida forgot that she had a mom before this. At the moment, the girl couldn't even remember what her own mother looked like. But, Jenna was just as good a memory.

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