chapter 1

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Courtney POV

I unconsciously rubbed my eyes as I start to stir awake and I immediately sat up when I remember what day today is, and with that act i felt dizzy. I check the clock at the bedside table.


Shoot dude, I'm freaking laaaaaate!
I supposed to be awake at 6!!

I almost tripped when I stand up to get my phone beside the alarm clock.

24 missed calls
26 unread message

7 missed call from Ian

Great, just great!

I called Ian while getting my clothes.

'Come on Ian, pick it up!'

I went to the bathroom.

I stop as soon Ian answered the phone.

"Hey, Ian--"

"Don't rush, we already left an hour ago." My shoulder dropped as i heard the engine of the car. He wasn't lying.

I slowly approach my bed and sat. I mean there is no reason for rushing now.

"I didn't mean to overslept, I'm sor---"

"Don't be sorry. I will let this slide now. *paused and whispered* because this is somehow my fault. But anyway, just don't let this happen again."

"Promise, It won't. To make things clear, you're not angry? pissed? Or---"

"Courtney, as I said it is somehow my fault. Thank you for doing the favor i asked you last night, you're the last person to leave the building that's why I asked you and I assumed that's the reason why you stayed up late."

He whispered something else but i didn't hear it.
But a sigh of relief came out of me, but felt my face heat up as I remember what happened last night.
I flopped my back in bed.

I cleared my throat.

"Well, Shayne helped me though."


"It wasn't what you thinking, i didn't did it on purpose. It's just... last night my car won't start for some reason, so i decide to called him knowing he's still awake so I can deliver some of the files to Matt."

"Ow, yeah, I forgot. Shayne did mentioned that this morning, and its funny to watch Shayne explaining to us the possibility why you're still not there with his grumpiness, also He is the last one to show up before we decide to leave. And He's kinda off, all i can say is, he is hard to dealt with right now."

I was about to question Ian about it but instead I close my eyes when realization strikes in me.

"Dude, i just realize I won't make it to the summer games. I'll just send the script and other important things ther--"

"What do you mean you won't make it?"

Using my freehand, I massage my temple because of frustration.

I badly wanted to be there! I looked forward to it the moment Ian announced it. And suddenly things happened.

"Well, currently I don't have car--"

"Who said about you driving?"

"And even though I have a car to use, I don't know wher---"

"Don't worry about that, Shayne still there. He'll pick you up. I told him the location."

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