Chapter 14

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Courtney POV

When I saw Shayne this morning, I can tell he's beaming with happiness.

He immediately hand me advil and water when he saw me then said.

"Meet me at my car when you're done on your thing. Leave you're bags outside your room, I'll carry it when I'll be heading to the car. We will leave first, I already told Ian."

Then he left.

What's up with him.

"Bye guys!" I shouted before I went outside.

I saw him smiling inside his car.

I didn't quite remember what happened last night.

He start the engine when I'm settled in.

"Does your head still aching."

"Just a little."

He hand me a banana.

"I saw that in the dinning table, I just thought maybe you want some."

"Banana is your thing, but yeah, sure."

He start to drive. I peel the banana and eat it.

I glanced at him and I can really feel that he's happy.

Wait did something happened last night?
The last thing I can remember was when we're playing beer pong. And when I woke up, I'm on the bed with Kimmy beside me.

"You okay? Should I slowdown the speed?"

"No, I'm fine. Just.... thinking.. that's all."

He just nod.

I'm trying to remember what happened last night.
But I can't recall anything.

Drinking too much alcohol will cause you trouble.
Next time I'll just drink a couple or three.

Minutes passed, I just realized there's song playing.

"You know, you can ask me anything if you want to know something."

I abruptly look at him.

"So something did happened!"

"I didn't say that, just ask me if you wanted to know." He simply said.

I sit up straight and cleared my throat.

"What happen last night?"

He pulled over and look at me straight in my eyes. As if asking me if I really wanted to know.

Sh*t, did I do something stupid?

I gulp and broke our gaze.

"You know what, I realized we shouldn't talk about it. It's already in the past."

"If you say so." He said and start driving again.

Now I'm curious what really happened.
I should do something so I can forgot about it.

I broke the silence.

"So, why we leave before them?"

"I wanted to buy guita----"

"Don't tell me you'll pursuing musical?" I asked him immediately.

Is he planning to leave smosh?

"What? Of course not. If someone will, it will be you."

I despite the feeling of my face as it become warmer.

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